Rainy day

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The next morning I woke up at Leo's . I had just finished my shower when I realized it was raining. I got dressed , and fed max, I planned on taking max for a walk , but since it started raining I held off . My phone rang and it was Savannah . " hello ?" I answered . " " where are you ?" She asked hesitantly . " I spent the night at Leo's, and I probably won't be home until later on tonight". She seemed like she was holding back something, " what's wrong ?" I asked . " oh uh, nothing I'll tell you later ." She then hung up . I wonder what happened. A few moments later Leo woke up , " morning babe " I said. I then turned on the tv, watching Leo play with max. " I made plans for us today " he said. So I got up and got dressed , I wore a red scarf , with my brown leather jacket, and combat boots . Leo put on a long black coat,and a beanie . We ran outside to his car, while he opened the door I quickly hopped in . He gave a quick kiss, " I love you " he said. He told me it was a surprise where he was taking me , so I was really excited. " I'm tired from the performance we had last night " he said laughing . I blushed remembering every moment of last night . My cheeks were red , mostly because it was cold , as it was raining. We arrived at the place . It was my favorite coffee shop on the beach . " how did you know ?" I asked. I saw your coffee mug from last night , he replied. We then stopped and went in, he brought our coffee to the table . We chatted about Leo playing for the Angels , and how i was becoming a veterinarian. As I was talking he brought out a gift for me . I quickly opened it . It was a beautiful silver necklace that said " Paige " awww thankyou ! I said . I reached over to kiss him . Then I put it on and it fit perfectly . he then brought out two tickets to an angels game . " it's for you and Savannah , there front row seats. " awesome !" I smiled. I knew he really wanted me to watch him play. As we were talking I glanced over and saw somebody I didn't want , or really need to see, my ex boyfriend Calum. As soon as he walked in he saw me and walked over . " hey Paige !" "How are ya ?" He said . " who is this ?" Leo asked looking angry . " I would be her ex boyfriend " "umm why are you here ?" I asked . " "well remember this is the place we first kissed " Leo then got up and stared him straight in the eyes. " " Come on Paige , let's go ". I then got up. " goodbye Calum" I said . We rushed out of there , and hoped in the car . "look, I'm sorry leo " . "It's not your fault , I shouldn't of taken you their , you should of told me this is were you and Calum hung out at " He said, feeling guilty. " I should of told you , I just didn't want to ruin the time we were having. I said . " Paige you can tell me anything. " Calum just really pissed me off, he was acting like such an ass towards you " Leo said . " forget about him , I Broke up with him 6 months ago , when I went on vacation here , let's just make a new hangout instead". I told Leo. Since it was still raining , there wasn't much to do . Leo then pulled over , he stopped at the local bowling alley me and Savannah go to . "Good idea "! I told him. We went inside and picked a lane . We bought drinks , and put a dollar in the music machine . He put on the latest album from maroon 5 , Sugar. " I love this song !" I told leo excited to jam out with him. " this is our song "! He said . We played for about an hour and a half. "You win !" He said . " you let me win didn't you?" I asked . " actually no, your just too good I guess " he said . I laughed " yeah right haha " we then went into his car and drove around . Out of nowhere he pulled over at a parking lot . " let's go !" He said . " were gonna get wet though !" I told him. He pulled my hand out of the car. There is no way he's going to do this, I thought . He lifted me up in his arms and spun me around . We were drenched In water , but I didn't care , as long as I was with Leo, nothing really mattered in this world . It's like time was frozen . He then brought me towards his face as I put my arms around him. We kissed . It started pouring even harder . Leo's hair was slicked back since it was drenched . He took of his coat earlier so all he had on was a white t shirt , which was totally see through , and all you could see was his muscular abs . " I'm getting cold " I told him . So we went back into his car . He didn't care about his car getting wet . It was getting late so he drove me back home. He pulled up to my house and took me to the door step . "I had a wonderful time " I told him. "Me too " he said blushing ." I will never forget last night , and how Great it was " he said . I pulled him closer and wrapped my arms around his shoulders " me too" I whispered. I then leaned in for a kiss . " goodnight leo , love you , "I said . " Ok love you babe !" And I walked inside , as he drove off . " hey Savannah !" As I walked into the kitchen,max was there to greet me. I could tell there was something wrong by the look in her face . " whats up?" I asked . Look Paige , I know that your in love with Leo , and you think he's great and all , but I don't think you should be sleeping with Leo , at only 19, and you should wait until marriage . She said . " how did you know ?!" I asked . " we all know when you sleep at his house , you most likely slept with him ." " ok , but it was my first time , and I really wanted to experience that with the right person , I could of waited I guess , but it just happened! " I explained to Savannah . " I just don't want you to get pregnant and regret it , at least wait until marriage " she asked . I agreed with her , and I promised I would tell leo about it. After that embarrassing conversation , we ate dinner and watched a movie . I then went to bed early , already missing Leo.

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