
113 3 0

"Yo" - Talking

'Hey~' - Thinking


I have been an shut-in for a long time, ever since I saw anime, I binged everything I could find, I became a certified shut-in. All I've ever done is just sit and play video games, watch and read novels and anime's and eat. It's the norm for me now, the only time I'll go out is to buy groceries, oh and I almost forgot, I'm a dropout as well, my family is deceased and I was all alone ever since I was 10, now I'm 18 and still alive. I had no friends, not because I looked ugly or I was a pushover, but it's because I never really talked to anyone there, always thought it was a waste of time. Anyways, as I was walking down the street outside the grocery store, I saw a truck, a very big one, with big chunks of metal on the back.


And it just passed by, so yeah anyways I didn't really get killed by a truck, I got killed by slipping from a rock, yeah I know, how did I die from slipping? I hit my head on a sharp rock of course, after that I jerked up from the intense pain in my head, then a slipped again, by the same rock that made me slip in the first place, falling backwards, I was met with a bench, hitting my head against the armrest, I fell back down to the ground, barely holding onto my consciousness, I closed my eyes for the last time.


Waking up, all I see is black, no seriously, it's just pitch black.

"What the f*ck? How did I come here?"

Seeing that nothing was here, I stood up and walked in a random direction. I don't know how long I have been walking but it certainly was a long time. I have been walking here without any progress on knowing why I'm here. And I have never gotten tired from walking as well, must be because I'm in this dark void thingy. While looking around, I saw a small glimmer of light, thinking it was the exit, I rushed to the light, after a few minutes of running I reached to it and the light suddenly stopped glimmering and at the middle of the light was a pedestal. 

A book was floating above it, and there was no title to it, shrugging it off I saw that it had thousands of pages but I can't open the other pages for some reason, I can only open 2 pages, I opened the book and see...


First Name: Mark 
Last Name: Nutteloos

Age: 18
Gender: Male

Cause of death: Killed by a doctor accidentally


HP: 0/100
Mp: 0/0

Strength: 10 (Average)
Stamina: 15 (Above average)
Agility: 10 (Average)
Intelligence: 20 (Above average)
Perception: 7 (Below average)
Charm: 14 (Above average)

Description: A pitiful shut-in with no friends and no one to lean on.

"Oooooooh, well look at this, I was actually pretty strong, kind of, and what the f*ck is this?! I died from a doctor? Aren't they supposed to heal us and not kill us? And what is with this description??"

Sighing, I turned the page to see what else is on this book.


[You have been given the chance to transmigrate]

[Wishes: 5]

[Write down your wishes, and all op wishes shall be denied, no refunds]

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