Chapter 1: This is unexpected

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A/N: Hey guys, you can think of this fanfic as some kind of training for me, since I'm an aspiring author, kind of, I want to make stories that the readers would enjoy, so please do say if I had some mistakes here.


In a small apartment, a small boy with messy black hair abruptly opened his eyes and looked around him, based from his looks alone, he's about 5 years old, this little boy is our mc, right now he was looking around the unfamiliar room and stood up, 'Uh what? Where am I?' his thoughts were cut off from the sudden uneasiness he experienced, then foreign memories mind raped him "Oh man... This is unexpected" 

-5 minutes later-

"Okay okay okay, calm down me, *sigh* I didn't expect to become Sung Jin-Woo, the system might have misunderstood my wish of having an appearance the same as Sung as being Sung Jin-Woo" I rubbed my head from thinking too much "This was so unprecedented that I am not prepared for this,  never mind then, it already happened, so let's just go with the flow" I walked towards my desk, and sat down, looking around I noticed the space here wasn't really that big but not too small, I smiled at this, I always liked having a small room, makes me feel safe from anything, anyways as I looked at my desk, I saw a picture frame with Sung Ji-... no.. My family in it. Beside it was some books opened to specific pages and there was a clock at the right side of the desk, looking at the clock to check the time. [5:21 AM]. Seeing that it was early I opened my desk and saw my phone inside it, I tried to turn it on but it wasn't responding, thinking it was on low battery, I just simply charged it and walked back to my bed and slept again 'What a day, I'm surprised I didn't go ballistic about becoming Sung Jin-Woo'.

-Some hours later-

I woke up and looked at my window, birds were chirping and the sun was already sky high. Decided to stand up, I stood up and walked to my charging phone, took off the charging port and checked the web, searched up gates but it didn't show anything related to it 'So it still has not appeared yet huh' after using my phone, I put it down and walked out of my room, I was kind of nervous since this is my first time meeting my new family, even though he got Sung Jin-Woo's memory, it's still pretty nerve-wracking. The scene that was in front of me was heart-warming, my sister was laughing while my dad and mom was laughing with her, this almost brought me to tears from how loving this scene was, trying to calm myself down, I walked towards my family and joined to have some breakfast. 

{General POV}

Sung Il-Hwan looked at his son and greeted him with a loving smile, "Good morning son", Jin-Woo looked at his father and greeted him with the same smile as Il-Hwan, "Morning dad!", Jin-Woo then looked at his mother and greeted her the same thing, as they were eating, Jin-Woo looked at his family then said, "I love you guys". The family hearing this, was brought to tears and hugged Jin-Woo while saying, "Oh we love you too honey, I hope you still will be the same as today when you grow up, then we'll have fun everyday!" Sung Il-Hwan and Park Kyung-Hye said at the same time. Hearing this, Jin-Woo couldn't help but enjoy this moment, since he knows what will happen in the future, he wants to enjoy this moments of peace. As the saying goes, 'The calm before the storm'.

===========Time Skip==================

Sung Jin-Woo POV

I looked up towards the sky, the sun hitting my face, using my right hand to block the sunlight. It has been 19 years since the day I have been transmigrated in the novel "Solo Leveling". When the gates started appearing, I was slightly surprised to see the gate in first person, I mean reading it and seeing it is two different things, it's more breathtaking than the manhwa's version of gate. The population in the entire world was in panic mode, gates were appearing here and there, left and right. After a few weeks, people with powers started appearing around the globe, the community started to call them as 'Hunters' and that led to the making of the Hunter's Association. Among the people with superpowers, my father was one of them, and a strong one at that, with his new job of hunting down monsters, my father now earned a big amount of money from hunting gates, it became the norm for the people around the globe after a year of the gates appearance.

But it all came downhill when people that are in a coma state started appearing around the globe, it caused some panic on the citizens. After a few months of investigating, they found out that the people suffered because their body cannot handle the energy that was now produced in this world. They called it the 'Eternal Slumber Disease', my father also disappeared from a gate, people now assumed he died while clearing the gate, and we held a funeral without his body, but I knew better, he is still alive, but not for long, from the manhwa, I saw him still die, though I never knew why, I even tried to persuade him to stop his career but he was stubborn and keep telling me to not worry and we needed this job to be able to get a decent life in this new era. 

Now that the world has stabilized after years, we now have a ranking system, the higher ranked hunter you are, the higher your income is, but I was among the lowest ranked people, I was even called the weakest hunter, but I knew better, after getting into that double dungeon, my whole life would change, and would be able to save my mother from her disease, even if I am not able to save my father, at least I would be able to save my mother. You can say I became quite attached to my new family, I even cried when my father disappeared, and cried again when my mother got her disease, but I needed to be strong, for my little sister, I would need to work to get enough money to stabilize my mother and let my sister have school. 

During the years, I tried to open any system, but nothing happened, "System!, Systemu!, Open Status!, Status! Open Sesame!" I keep on shouting in my room for a few hours, but no command ever opened anything as close as a system. So I just gave up and waited to get my system from the double dungeon, "Today is the day I will get the system" I muttered to myself, I was in a construction site in Seoul. I loved my family to the point I would sacrifice other people for them, even if I get impaled by big sword or was it a spear? I don't remember it very well since it has already been years since I have read the novel. As I reached the group, I heard people murmuring and whispering stuff like "Oh look the weakest hunter is here" and "Why is he here? He'll just be a burden", but honestly I didn't really care, all I care for right now is the system I would get in the double dungeon.

My hunting group started going inside the gate with Mr. Song as the leader, since he is the strongest in the party right now, "This is where it all starts. Let's go!" I whisper shouted to myself as I joined the group walking right inside the gate...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2022 ⏰

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