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We collected our badges ,they were pretty good with scholars written on them . 

No wonder ,I have received so many of them since childhood ,it's been a habit now . Oh but that girl ,who keeps glaring at me without any specific reason ,what was her name, Radha ,yes ,also got the badge .She is smart though but too rude to talk with . 

Other people except her are really good I guess, but who cares,I had had enough of making people close to me and losing them .Tanzeel is an exception .That boy Rahul looked very familiar ,I don't know why I felt a sudden urge to hug him tight .

He reminded me of a-abhi ,but rahul has blue eyes .I'm just overthinking about my 13 minutes older brother I guess.

But I don't like to get close to people or even make them friends ,because I know ,they are gonna leave me ,unknowingly though ,but my bad luck never leaves my side .

Anyways ,I'm here to study and I have got my first goal in my head ,never let that girl Radha come above me in any tests .

But.... I'm getting different vibes nowadays ,Something good gonna happen . But no expectations at all! I don't like expecting anything from situations or people ,because in the last the more you expect the more you get hurt .I'm to tired to get hurt again .

staying away from people is the only option left with me . 

"Congratulations!" radha said with a sugar coated smile as we stood beside the dean ,I was lost in my thoughts and didn't even pay attention to what dean was saying .Her voice brought me back.

"competitors don't congratulate eachother . "I stated facts, obviously .If She could see I'm not interested in  her ,why in the world she has to talk with me .

"its a healthy competition anyways,oh yes you won't understand it ,You are cold as a rock ." She gave me a 'you are so rude' look and walked down the stage with a small smile on her face ,looking at her friend ,what was her name now? ah,ashi .I'm really bad at keeping names in my mind .But that girl is really annoying .I just hope I don't come across her .

I took my seat between rahul and tanz ,they both gave me warm smiles,I tried to smile too ,but it looked like it was fake .Tanz won't mind ,he knows me ,but rahul must be hurt .

He looked at me and said "no no I'm not hurt at all! " Did he just?

Wait,Did I say it loud ? 

"Bro,who are you talking to?" tanz asked rahul ,all amused .Thi guy reminds me of abhi so strongly.

"Krish didn't you say ,I must have got hurt or something like that ?"rahul said ,he can read minds ,for sure ! 

"sorry ,I have lost the ability to smile." I said playing the pearl on my bracelet . 

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