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"whatever it is you are going to apologize to him ,now!" I need to do that ."And bring him with you !" i can be strictkerrr.

"No way!"she said with wide eyes.

"oh yess!" girl ,you are doing this ,

"ughh ok!" she said with a eye roll and went upstairs.funfact,she obeys  me hehe

"ouuuu you know how to handle her huh?" reem said ,she is shocked to see ig !

"I'm habitual haha." I added and everyone giggled . 



FINE. But I don't think I can apologize to that boy .Even if he has done nothing wrong to me but I cannot tolerate him for one single minute around me and that's kinda weird  it's just first day today ,but I just feel like being alone ,away from everyone ,especially him . 

Thank god  we don't have any classes together ,off course our streams are different .But currently I'm heading towards his room ,which I don't know where ,coz his house is pretty huge ,I mean its more complicated than mine .I'm gonna say this again ,he's so rude to everyone but then also they cannot start a movie without him .huhh.

I'm on first floor and there are three different doorways ,and I don't know where to go .wow .But yeah I chose the second one ,I don't know why ,just a gut feeling . there were three doors on alternate walls ,with a flower vase beside every door ,coming here I noticed there's not a single photograph of them or him or tanzeel ,nor their family ,I mean I would have decorated whole house with pictures of mom, dad ,me ,abhi,sid.....if I had any . There's nothing that doesn't remind me of my loved ones,but I drop this topic for now coz everyone's waiting for me downstairs and I'm running out of time . 

I see first door ,it has a guitar and a mic sticker so I assume it's tanzeel's room .moving on ,on the other door, it's plane ,but it has red roses in the vase unlike the vase infront of tanzeel's ,they are lilies beside the third door too. 

Just because red roses are my fav I'll knock first on this one .I know I'm stupidly planning everything ,but i can't help it actually. 

2 knocks and I hear a chair or whatever-it-is moving .And I see him ,his face blank as ever but I'm sure he is shocked to see me here .

"hey!" I said ,trying to smile,trying being the keyword .

"hey?" more like questioning me ."why are you here?" you can speak more nicely,atleast.

"I'm here to ....apologize. " I said awkwardly ,why am I even dong this .Avneet you still have chance ,run away .oh I forgot to tell ,I'm sick at greetings and talking skills too ,you are gonna learn about a lot of my flaws ,only flaws ,more precisely . 

"ok...I'm waiting." he said leaning on the wall beside him,folding his arms ,looking dead in my eyes .what he thinks about himself ,no I'm not that easy going ,and Its' nowhere my fault .

"can you be less rude?" I asked ,I don't know what my expressions are ."look,I don't have much time to waste on you say it and you can go ." he said ,no way I'm apologizing to this guy over here.

I'm shorter than him ,pretty much shorter,so what? I can still handle him .I tiptoed ,folded my arms just like him .

"what do you think about yourself ,huh? I'm here to apologize to you even if I'm not atall at fault; just because your friend don't want you to be alone,but no ,who cares here? you have to only show how rude you are and what powers you hold in your ey-AHHH. " I'm furious now and when I'm furious I don't even know where I'm going or what I'm doing ,so basically ,I pressed him back in his room and he walked back ,huh,he is afraid ,I know I can be scary *internal hair flip* ,but I lost my balance and I'm about to fall on the floor ,but I don't feel anything ,I feel like floating ,am I dead already ? but there's furry carpet here ,I cannot die . 

"hello,RADHA?" oops ,I zoned out again ,I'm so obsessed with myself that I just can't stop talking to myself . 

"huh?" now my surroundings become clear and here  I am ,Krish's strong arms are holding me and his hazel eyes are staring at me ,intensely.His face has been expressionless since the time I saw him  ,but His eyes ,they speak a lot, they are deep ,they show pain in them .

"I know I'm irresistible ,It doesn't mean you are gonna stay like this forever."he joked ,he freaking joked ,he jokes too and I see a little smirk on his face ,which fades away in seconds . And I suddenly realise in what position I'm ,we are so fucking close and that is damn embarrassing. I stumbled to my feet ,when I realized my legs are gone numb ,how?I don't know and I lost my balance once more.Wow what a great day .To my surprise krish held me again and made me sit on the couch .

"done with your balancing game ?" he asked ,stiffening his body .

"see,listen to me ,we should keep whatever fight going between us beside and go and enjoy the movie ." I said politely .He nodded,putting his hands in his hoodie's pockets and walked past the door ,leaving me behind ,I expected it anyways .

and then My gaze fell on his room ,which is pleasant looking with everything  kept nicely on its place with no mess ,everything in shades of cream and white .Its beautiful ,Plus it smells so good here .no no no ,avneet before you loose your mind go from here ,my mind spoke and it's right ! and I ran downstairs .

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Hlw Hlw !! I'm back *twirls around*

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