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Y/n hugged Chris after exiting the dojo. "I think you should talk to Demetri about how you feel I'm sure he'll say something to reassure you he's not leaving your side," Chris said as he parted from their hug.

"I will" Y/n nodded. Chris could still see a small frown on the (hair color) haired girl "you know frowns don't look too good on you" Chris nudged her.. Y/n cracked a smile as she chuckled "That's better" Chris said. "see you tomorrow?" Chris asked. "Yeah, see you" Y/n replied and the two parted ways.


Y/n walked out of her car and headed towards the school. Y/n didn't pick up Demetri because he said his mom would take him to school. Y/n found it a little odd but thought nothing else of it. She went through security before entering the commons area.

She scanned it for any signs of the raven-haired boy but didn't see him anywhere 'this would be so much easier if I had insisted to pick him up' the girl thought as she held one of her backpack straps. She began walking around the school trying to find her boyfriend. She walked through the halls and spotted Sam and Miguel talking together. Y/n jogged towards them hoping they'd seen Demetri

"hey have you seen Deme—" and right before all three of them was Demetri. Kissing Yasmine. Y/n's heart broke instantly and her eyes watered. Considering how much crying she'd done she didn't think there would be any tears left to cry.

"—tri..." Y/n trailed off. They were sharing the type of kiss Y/n and Demetri had never shared. "I should've known," Y/n said.

Recognizing her voice Demetri jumped away from Yasmine and so did she. "Y-Y/n I can explain" Demetri stammered. "Explain what? That you were all over Yasmine? Sure I'd like to hear all about that"Y/n said as she wiped the tear streaming down her cheek.

"I trusted you—I trusted you that wouldn't be like that asshole Andy" Y/n grew more upset  "I promise it's not what it looks like" Demetri pleaded "No, i know what it looks like. It looks like you'll finally get to be with Yasmine because we're done." Y/n finished.

Y/n turned her heels and walked off only for Demetri to grab her wrist "Y/n, please." Y/n shoved him away "don't touch me." Y/n said before walking off.

Sam began to comfort Demetri as he watched her walk away.


The school bell rang and everyone was dismissed for lunch. Y/n grabbed her backpack and hurriedly walked out of her class. Luckily for her, the school allowed off-campus lunch so she was able to leave without any questions. Y/n drove to buy her comfort food before driving to the dojo.

Y/n grabbed her food and walked to the back of the dojo. She sat on the deck and let her eyes roam the dojo. All the sweet memories of her and Demetri crept their way into her mind. 'I don't think I'll be able to stand coming to practice. Ever.' She shook her head before grabbing her food and eating it. Two bites later, the wonders that the food had worked before didn't seem to work now.

She placed her food aside and sighed.

Meanwhile, Demetri, Sam, Chris, and Miguel sat in the lunchroom waiting for Y/n. After realizing she wasn't gonna be coming to lunch Demetri defeatedly ate his food. "She'll come" Sam reassured. "No one comes 25 minutes late to lunch" Demetri replied. "Dude you'll work things out just watch" Miguel patted his back.

"I blew it with the only girl who liked me before everything." Demetri said "let's face it, I won't be getting back with her. She made it clear" Sam frowned "it was just the heat of the moment" she claimed. Miguel nodded agreeing with Sam.

They spent the rest of their lunch trying to cheer up Demetri the best they could.

Y/n sat on the deck waiting for something to happen but nothing did happen. Daniel didn't walk in to find Y/n as he did with Sam, Sam or Miguel didn't come, and neither did Demetri.

Y/n looked to her side and saw the punching bag swaying slightly to the breeze. Y/n stood up and walked over to the white punching bag. Y/n gently hit it before hitting it harder each time. 

She'd never been so furious before so why now? Maybe because Sam, her parents, and Demetri managed to hurt her. Y/n recalled her previous thought. There was no way she'd be able to come to practice without being irritated and upset. Coming to this dojo wasn't going to work anymore.

Y/n stopped when she felt her knuckles start to hurt. She looked at her knuckles which were now red.
Her pocket buzzed

Y/n stopped and pulled out her phone. She looked at the notifications.

message from Sam :): Y/n where were you at lunch?
message from Sam :): hey, Demetri's really upset.
message from Miguel: hey are you okay? Where are you?
message from Chris: Y/n, I'm sorry. Wanna talk about it?
message from Demetri: Where are you? Let's talk, please.

Y/n opened Demetri's message and wanted to reply. Y/n shook her head and pressed on 'block this caller'

Was she being petty? Selfish? Maybe.

Y/n looked at the time 'shit school ended already and that means practice is gonna start soon' Y/n grabbed her stuff before heading out of the dojo. She got into her car before driving off back home.

She opened the door and Y/n walked away to her room, she dropped her backpack by her bed before flopping down on it.

Her brain and heart were fighting, but who was gonna win in the end?


Bet you didn't think there wasn't gonna be any complications in the relationship now did you?
Or maybe you didn't I don't know.
Sorry for any typos.
Sorry for the slow update.


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