"New Era Of The Sun"

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After the photoshoot,the interview came right away.Although it was recorded for the help of the Hans' editors,it was also video-recorded.M/N was slightly nervous but Jeonghan was by his side for a reason,he held his hand and drew a heart on it.He gave him a smile "It's okay,I'm here",he patted his head before he heard a question that was directed to M/N "Oh,seems like you've finally got a question!".M/N sighed as to cover his embarrassment from Jeonghan and casually answered "For me,I wouldn't want to have an executive position as I am content with being a rather simple lawyer.However,I do want to build a reputation that gives me respect equal to the respect received by a someone high up the ranks",Wonwoo crossed his arms "That's not an answer I expected from the same person who would give an opposite statement,M/N".The younger pinched his ear "Shut your trap,hyung.I'm the one who got the question,not you",the older rubbed the red part of his ear as he was in pain but the other twelve were shamelessly laughing

Once they were finished,M/N was fiddling with his hair as they walked down the stairs of the building.Hoshi got his hand and held it "Stop that,your hair is gonna get messed up",M/N groaned "But I hate curly hair,hyung!".Woozi rolled his eyes "Kids these days,so picky",M/N scoffed "Adults these days,so bossy".He let go of Hoshi's hand and walked down by himself whilst messing up his hair back to being straight,they saw his free hand clenched in annoyance and knew they hit a sensitive nerve.They were cautious as they walked to the car before Chan got a text "Meet me at the restaurant just by the street to your right",they were confused at first until they saw the car drive off.They tried chasing it but it was no use even for the taller boys,they simply accepted their punishment and walked their way.On the other hand,M/N was genuinely upset.His veins were showing around his neck and wrist,to add to his hot temper,his eyes were blazing in anger.He stopped at the red traffic light and saw the thirteen,he expected that they would come in thanks to the long 85-second countdown and they did.Joshua pat his shoulder "Thanks for stopping at the light,buddy",M/N was silent but was mentally ready to tell him to take his hand off his shoulder.Jeonghan looked at his messy hair but didn't dare fix it,he didn't want to add fuel to the fire and could feel the spiky aura around him.Hoshi stayed at the back for the sake of his safety as the air in the vehicle was cold,it was as if one wrong move or word from them would lead to a car crash.Seungcheol sighed "On their behalf,I apologize for what Hoshi and Woozi said.If this isn't enough to make you forgive them and calm down,it's okay with us",they saw M/N's grip on the steering wheel tighten and simply shut up.They couldn't turn back time now,they just released the monster that M/N was containing and it wouldn't go back to its cage so easily.

As M/N parked the car,they went in and noticed a familiar face whilst they went to their table.Mingyu smiled "Seems like his friend is here,he must be waiting for someone",Minghao laughed "Well,that means that today is his day off or they were let off early".They sat down and saw M/N walk in,Dokyeom waved at him but was shocked to see M/N sit at the same table where his friend was.Wonwoo was about to stand up but was sat down by Seungcheol,they knew what they had done and had to go through the consequences.Seeing M/N happily ordering for his friend while sporting a heart-stealing smile made them feel guilty,Hoshi rubbed his neck "I shouldn't have said that,damn it".Woozi pat his shoulder "We're sharing this together,it's our fault why he's like this",a waiter came to them and they got ready to order.However,they still kept their eyes on M/N.They didn't want to be riding taxis just to chase wherever he'd go later that day,they finished ordering and saw that they were already eating.Hoshi took a deep breath and walked to the table where M/N was,he looked at him with his hands in his pocket "Are you still mad?".M/N looked at him with genuine disgust "Do I know you?I,for sure,don't know older brothers who pressure their little brothers over a small thing.Now,leave us alone before you want a fight",he turned away while sneering but Hoshi didn't give up.He gave his hand "Give me the car keys you have then,stranger",M/N placed the keys on his hand but made sure not a single finger touched his palm.He went back to eating and Hoshi left in defeat,this was the day the family was at bad terms with M/N and that would set the tone for the rest of their day.

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