Chapter Seven

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"So, are we dating now?" Eros sits against my chest, my arms wrapped around his waist as we look out over the grassy knoll we are seated on. The London Eye can be seen a short distance away and we are surrounded by other humans enjoying the sunshine as we are. Music can be heard in the background, somewhere behind us.

"I thought we were for some time now," I reply. A week has passed since Eros initiated the kiss. Since then, I have taken every opportunity to be with my Angel, to hold him and feel his lips on mine.

Eros pushes me back slightly, "you know what I mean. Can I tell people?"

"You can tell whoever you wish."


"I want to tell them." Eros sits next to me, playing with my fingers in his own.

"Love, you know we cannot do that." I cup his cheek and look into his shining eyes. He is such a beautiful creature.

"Why? It is only love. We have all witnessed it on Earth."

"But never here. Never us."

"What does it matter, Cass?" Eros leans into my touch, placing his hand over mine before bringing my hand back to his lap.

"We cannot anticipate their reaction. Or the Creator's."

"He created love, why would he frown upon ours?"

"Because we are Angels. We should not be experiencing this. What if...what if there is something wrong with us? What if he made us wrong?"

Eros' eyes widen, doubt flashing across them before determination sets in.

"No. I refuse to believe something like that. We are exactly who we should be. We were created to love. To love each other."

A sweet smile graces my lips as I lean in and place a soft kiss on my Angel's mouth. He kisses me back without hesitation; the soft feel of his lips like nothing I have ever known before. We have witnessed it for eons on the Earth. The love between humans. The physical connection between the flesh creatures. But to experience it ourselves is a whole new phenomenon.

"Can we try that thing the humans do now?"

"I do not know if that is a good idea."

"I want to. Do you?"

"Yes." Eros smiles and kisses me once more, a little harder this time.


"Okay, I'm going to tell my friends." Eros takes out his phone and begins texting straight away. I smile at his enthusiasm letting those he cares about know that he is mine.

A comfortable silence envelopes us as we settle back into our embrace and enjoy the slight breeze rustling through the leaves above our heads. Some time passes before Eros speaks again.

"You ever think there's something bigger than you going on? Like there's something out there in the universe that you're just a small part of?" I feel myself tense slightly.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know...sometimes...I just's silly," he falters and shakes his head.

"Go on," I encourage. Eros is quiet for a few moments before continuing.

"Sometimes I feel...different. Like I'm on the outside of a piece of glass, looking in. Do you ever get that?"

"Yes, love, I do."

"I suppose it's a normal experience. I think I read something about it a while back. The more self-aware we become, the more insignificant we feel. We realize how very small we are in the big wide universe."

My Eros AngelWhere stories live. Discover now