Chapter Twelve

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As the morning light filters through the sheer curtains adorning the louvred windows in the room, I stare at the man in my arms. His features are soft as he sleeps, a slight upturn of his mouth as he dreams. I wonder briefly what scenes are playing through his mind; does he dream of our past lives?

After I satisfy my urge to gaze at my love a while longer, I untangle myself from Eros' limbs, careful not to wake him. I know he likes to sleep in. I slip on a pair of sweats and leave the bedroom quietly, my feet padding softly on the floor.

As I make my way around the white kitchen, too bright for sleepy eyes, I fix a pot of coffee and my favourite breakfast. Moments later, I hear a light tapping at the front door. As I open it, a dishevelled Onyx appears in front of me.

I scowl and leave the door open, returning to the stove and stirring the eggs. "What are you doing here?" I ask without looking up. I hear the soft close of the door across the apartment.

"Ooh, bacon," Onyx sticks his hand out over the kitchen island, stealing a piece of breakfast and taking a bite.

"Not for you," I say sternly.

"Hello to you too." Onyx takes a seat on a stool on the other side of the island, leisurely eating his stolen piece of fatty goods. "You look good, attitudes a downer. Nothing's changed there I see."

I stare at him as he eats before he finally looks up at me. "What?" he asks.

"What are you doing here? I thought Admodias was keeping you busy."

Onyx shrugs, "she'll keep. Come to check in on the star-crossed lovers."

"We are not- why are you here really?" I say, already irritated by this man's presence. I take the eggs off the heat, sliding them easily from the pan to the waiting plate. I notice Onyx eyeing off the eggs, "do not even think about it."

"You're not going to eat all that. Come on, I'm starving."

"It is not all for me," I realise my mistake a second too late. Onyx leans forward, his hands splayed out on the island and his voice a hushed whisper.

"You have someone over? Isn't that like...cheating on Eros or something?"

"It is Eros!" I exclaim. Onyx's eyes widen.

"Oh! Oh, my bad. Hey, good on you, thought you two kids would never get together," Onyx chuckles at his joke, while I glare at him. "So, I guess the whole memory thing isn't an issue for you?"

"Of course, it is! I have been...otherwise focussed. Not that there is anything to be done about it anyway."

Onyx shrugs as he nibbles on his bacon, "the offer's still there to find a seraph blade. I think I have a lead on that already."

"I am not using a seraph blade. I refuse to do that to him."

"He loves you; he would understand in the next life." Onyx steals another piece before mumbling something I need to strain to hear, "at least he'd have a next life." I cannot help the reaction that tumbles out from me, my hands extending outwards and emphasising my words.

"We weren't supposed to have any lives, let alone the thousands we have been blessed with. I have loved that man for millennia, and have been loved by him, it is more than any other being has ever had the honour of experiencing. Maybe it is time to be grateful for that and let each other go. Maybe it is for the best."

"What did you just say?" Onyx and I simultaneously look towards the strained voice, Onyx straining his neck backwards towards the bedroom door.

Eros stands in the doorway, his mouth open and his hands limply by his side. "Millennia?"

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