Chapter 11: Golddigger

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Amelia sat stone-faced with Emma at the musical. Lord Advent couldn't make it on time. Emma was making excuses for him saying he would be coming late.

"Emma," greeted Antony, smiling broadly all the while completely ignoring Amelia.

Amelia glared at him before standing up to make her way to the front. She wasn't particularly fond of Mr. Bennet but how dare he ignore her, Amelia thought. She might have behaved rudely when he called upon their house, but she was the daughter of a duke and courtesy dictated he greet her.

"Who are you scowling at?" asked Lilly Evans


"Nothing seems to be glancing your way."

Amelia turned to find Antony watching her as he talked to Emma.

"I don't care. He is nothing but a social climber."

"I don't think so, Amelia. David speaks very highly of him and he is on the top of the list."

"What list?"

"Oh, yes! I forgot to tell you. David and others have drawn me a list of bachelors I could set my cap for and the ones to avoid. Mr. Bennet tops the list of eligible bachelors. He once saved David from a thug attack. All of my brothers are convinced of his honesty. He is honourable and brave. He is a decent man who has never stepped in a brothel, a quality even my brothers lack. You have to agree that he is quite handsome in a rugged way, with keen and intelligent eyes."

"Lily, this is the longest speech. Have you decided on a wedding date yet?"

Lily blushed and said, "Stop teasing me!"

"For all we know he might like guys, a more logical explanation for not seen having been in a brothel."


"Ok ok, good luck with Mr. Bennet."

"What I meant is he could be an ideal match for you too Amelia, you shouldn't dismiss him."

"No way-"

"This is what I am telling, don't dismiss even without giving him a chance."

"Fine!" Amelia finished with an eye roll.

Lily's dance card got filled immediately, as gentlemen clambered to talk to her. Amelia was happy for her friend, she was beautiful, kind and thoughtful. She deserved nothing less. Sadly for Amelia, no one seemed brave enough even to talk to her.

Music began, still, no one offered her a dance. She assumed the news of her temper tantrums had already reached wide and far.

"Lady Amelia, shall I have this dance?" Amelia looked up from her reverie to find Mr. Bennet.

Amelia knew at once it was Emma's doing. Amelia had two choices: turn down Mr. Bennet and remain a wallflower throughout the evening or accept his offer and dance at least once. She glared at Emma before taking his hand.

Amelia couldn't help but notice all the things Lily mentioned and more. Antony did have a kind face, his smile reached his eyes. His gaze had a shrewd quality about it.

"A penny for your thought," asked Antony. To her mortification she found herself blushing. She was caught staring at him openly.

To rally, she said scathingly, "My thoughts are worth more than a penny."

"But that is all I can give you."

"Then ask when you can afford."

Antony smiled merrily and said "Fine, I will. But be ready."

She was about to thank him for dancing with her, when there was a loud commotion and her cousin Robert Advent was squealing like a pig lying on the floor. Emma and some ladies were helping him.

Emma glanced at Antony and he grinned widely. Amelia was taken aback as she didn't expect Antony to grin watching her cousin in distress. He lost the little respect he gained from Amelia. Without thanking him she made her way to Lilly. The crowd didn't seem to want to dance anymore, they thronged around Emma like she just saved a nation.

"Looks like you enjoyed your dance with Mr. Bennet," said Lilly.

Amelia made a noncommittal grunt.

"Has your option of Mr. Bennet changed?" asked Lilly.



"I thought he was arrogant, now he just proved he is cruel and evil too."

"Oh! Amelia. Well, it doesn't matter anymore."

"Why is that?"

"I just learned he got engaged last week."

Amelia couldn't hide her curiosity and asked "Who?"

"To Lady Bliver."

"You mean Lady Matilda Bliver? The only daughter of Lord Alfred Bliver! The sole heiress to the largest trading company!"

"Yes, the very same."

Amelia's conviction about Antony grew stronger, he was arrogant, cruel and an ambitious gold digger.

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