Chapter 17

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Charles Rhodes, Jedi Knight. The thought spun through Lena's head.

She had heard many stories of the Jedi, mostly showing them in a negative light. Although the war did not reach that far into Hutt Space, the stories did.

She heard that the Jedi were supposedly powerful peacekeepers, but it looked like it was them waging war across the galaxy. She did not see how one could wield that amount of power and not become corrupt.

She saw what power did to anyone on Nar Shaddaa. Power corrupts, it is a fact of life.

It did not help that she blamed the Jedi for the chaos of the galaxy. Their lust for power caused them to lose the war, letting the Empire rise up.

A frustration burned inside Lena. The Jedi were the whole reason oppression still existed. They were supposed to be the ones who fought against it, but instead, they betrayed the Republic and allowed the Empire to rise.

She knew Rhodes was fighting against oppression now, but she could not help but feel resentment toward him. Why didn't he tell her he was a Jedi?

What happened to the trust that Rhodes preached so intently the day they met?

She had so much to say; so many questions, but she was silent. She stood dumbfounded behind Rhodes as he faced the enemy.

There were about a dozen droids arranged in a semi-circle, offering them no path of escape. The crew's backs were against the closed doors.

Anxiety grew amongst the group as they feared that not even a Jedi could save them. The droids raised their weapons as their master gave the order.

The hologram of Dev disappeared revealing the modified pit droid aiming its blaster-equipped arm at Rhodes.

The droid broke the silence saying, "Alright boys, you heard the boss, open—"

Before the droid finished its sentence, Rhodes sliced downward with his lightsaber bisecting it. The two halves of the little droid fell to the ground, sparks flying from them.

Rhodes grinned. It had been a while since he had to use his lightsaber. The silver hilt felt so natural in his hand.

Before the droids could open fire, Rhodes leaped over the heads of the droids landing, behind their semi-circle.

He thrust his lightsaber behind him stabbing through the droid in the center. Rhodes quickly removed the blade from the droid and took a swing at its head.

The first droid fell to the ground followed by two more whose heads got severed by the swing.

The rest of the droids finally turned around and opened fire on Rhodes.

He swung his blade around deflecting the bolts that would have met their mark. The rest he let fly past him.

Despite the fact that he was deflecting most of the shots he was having a hard time redirecting them toward his targets. He was rusty from not having used his lightsaber in years.

The volleys the droids were sending toward the Jedi forced him onto his heels. As he deflected back the blaster bolts of the nine remaining droids, he slowly backed up.

"You can help anytime now!" Rhodes called to the rest of the team who stood still, watching in awe of the Jedi.

Twitch was first to react diving for the pile of weapons. Before he went for his own blaster Twitch grabbed the handles of Lena's vibroswords. He pulled them from their sheaths and while rolling onto his back, tossed them in the air.

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