Epilogue: Dev's Fortress

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Pall's eyes fluttered open. How long was I out? he wondered to himself. That darn girl hit me out of nowhere. I could have sworn she was farther.

Pall stumbled to his feet, his vision spinning. He tapped on his commlink, but the device was unresponsive.

He grunted and walked out of the room to find a dark silent hallway. He looked around trying to find any of the droids that should be in the fortress.

He moved down the dark hallway feeling his way toward the command center. After tripping over a few dismantled droids, he made it to the command center.

Pall flipped on one of the computer consoles and activated the transponder. "Dev? Are you there? This is Pall, the Jedi and his friends escaped!"

The channel remained silent as Pall grew impatient. He slammed his fist on the table and changed the frequency of the transponder.

"Come in Munificent. Kauri, please respond."

Once again, the channel was silent. Pall hung his head and left the control room.

He made his way through the hallways until he was at the doors to the throne room. He stepped through the hole in the door still remaining from where the Jedi had cut in.

Pall surveyed the room. He could see destroyed droids scattered about. Blaster scars peppered the walls and ceiling.

He felt a sense of relief that he did not find his brother's body but at the same time he was on edge because he found no bodies of any of his enemies.

He wandered out of the throne room and onto the rear landing platform.

Dev's shuttle is missing. He must have gone back to the frigate, Pall thought.

Two additional shuttles were parked next to the vacant spot where Dev's shuttle had been parked. Pall hobbled over to one of the remaining shuttles and powered it up. The engines of the shuttle roared to life.

Pall lifted the ship into the air and made for space. The shuttle escaped Teth's atmosphere plunging into space.

Pall could not believe his eyes. Everywhere he looked he saw twisted metal and debris. A large piece of metal drifted in front of the viewport with half a Separatist logo still visible.

Pall's head hung as he clenched his fist. It was true. Their forces had been defeated. Chances are that Dev and Kenz perished when the ship was destroyed.

Pall took a moment, remembering his brother as well as his close friend Kenz.

"I know what I must do," Pall muttered under his breath.

The shuttle's hyperdrive powered up as the ship jumped into hyperspace.

Pall sat in the cockpit staring out into the blue streaks of hyperspace. His thoughts were spinning around his head.

All his life he had been at Dev's side. For the entirety of his adulthood, all he knew was war. As Dev was promoted within the separatist army, he had always brought his younger brother with him.

Now, Dev was gone. With no allies left, Pall's mind was set on revenge. His anxiety continued to grow as he neared his destination.

Pall's mind continued to wander as the navicomputer began to beep. Pall snapped to attention and dropped the ship out of hyperspace.

The ecumenopolis of Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Empire, came into view. A blockade of Star Destroyers could be seen protecting the planet.

Shortly after the ship arrived, the transponder began beeping rapidly.

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