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Kuroo's POV:

We walk to my house and I can just tell that Kenma is still upset with me. I really do regret hooking up with akashi again, especially since me and kenma's relationship with each other have been getting better. I feel like I don't know what to do with myself sometimes. I do stuff that i know i'll regret later on but i'm more of a present tense type of guy.

I only think about what's going on in the present and not about the consequences that will happen later on. I hate that I always somehow get Kenma mixed up in most of my life problems, but no matter what, Kenma has stuck with me and will stick with me to the bitter end. I guess that's what I like most about him but i just don't know how to communicate that to him.

"Kuroo? Kuroo!"

I'm snapped out of my ongoing thoughts to the sound of Kenma's voice.

"The keys?"

"Oh, right" I say as I fumble with the keys in my hand. I struggle opening the door and Kenma sighs and takes the keys from my hand. He easily unlocks the door and looks at me confused.

"Are you ok? What were you thinking about?" Kenma asks.

"It was nothing, let's just go inside." Kenma gives me a speculating look but doesn't push it any further. We walk inside and go to my room.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Kenma asks.

"Sure. I'll grab the popcorn." I walk downstairs to the kitchen and slightly dim the lights.

I look in my cabinet to find a wine bottle. Damn I need a drink. I didn't get to drink anything at the party because of everything that happened. I didn't see Kenma drink much either so maybe wine and popcorn will be a good mix. My thoughts wonder back to how much of an asshole I am and I take a sip from the bottle. I cook the popcorn and poor it in a bowl.

"Why is it so dark in here?"

I turn my head to see kenma standing on the stairs. I walk up to him with the bowl of popcorn and he takes it.

"And whats that?" I follow kenma's gaze to the wine bottle sitting on the counter. Half drunken by me.

"Uh that...was meant for both of us..."

I say hesitantly.

"So if it was meant for both of us...then why is it already half gone?" Kenma asks looking directly at me. I sigh and rub my eyes.

"Cmon, let's go talk about it." Kenma says grabbing my hand and starting to lead me up the stairs.

"Uh wait." I say as I run back for the bottle of wine. Definitely gonna need this for what we're about to talk about. Kenma grabs my hand again after I grab the bottle and we go back upstairs. He sits my down on the foot of my bed and sits next to me.

"What's wrong. And tell me the truth I can handle it." Kenma says grabbing the bottle from my hand and taking a sip of his own. I sigh again and look away from his gaze.

"I just...i don't know...I feel like i'm just messing everything up at the moment." I watch as kenma furrows his brow.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I mean this whole situation is clearly my fault and I feel like i'm messing what we have going on up and-"
Im interrupted by kenma kissing me. My eyes widen but slowly close as the instincts come in. I kiss him back. It just feels so right. Is it the alcohol talking?

I've kissed plenty of people but it's just different when I kiss him. Why? I shouldn't be feeling this way. It's like a wave of relief washes over me the second I have him in my arms.

I bite his lip and he lets me slip my tongue in. He gets on top of me and I move my hand down to his lower back. He starts to grind on me a bit and I groan into his mouth. The room is filled with hot pants and it feels like i'm being sucked in. But like in a good way.


And then I open my eyes. I find myself staring up at the ceiling and I squeeze them shut as I immediately regret opening them. I groan as I'm met with a pounding headache. I force myself to look over to my side. All of a sudden i'm face to face with Kenma, who is in deep sleep. He's so pretty when he sleeps. Then I notice i'm naked. Oh fuck and so is kenma. All of a sudden memories come back faster than my headache.

{Back to last night.}

"Fuck kenma...you feel so good..." I moan as kenma rides me expertly. His hips move perfectly, I watch  as his eyes roll back a couple of times. He's going slow but deep and it feels amazing. Jesus how is he so good at this? Next thing I remember is me on top of him, pounding into him. I will never forget the face he made. Best sight I have ever seen.

Im snapped out of my amazing flashback by kenma shifting a bit and opening his eyes.

"Kuroo...?" Kenma mumbles still clearly tired.

"Don't freak out..." I say knowing he's gonna freak out. I watch as his eyes widen and he immediately shoots up. Looking around the room than at me.

"We fucked." He deadplans.

"Yeah...we did." I say hesitantly. I don't know how he will react to this information. There's a moment of silence before I finally speak up.

"I'm sorry...I wasn't in the right state of mind-"
Kenma cuts me off again and says."I never said I didn't like it..." I look at him surprised.

"Wait so you enjoyed it?" I ask.

"Maybe...did you?"

"To say that I loved it is literally an understatement." I say out loud. He snickers, smiling at me.

"We'll then maybe we should do it more often, when we're not drunk." He suggests.

"Oh i'm definitely down." I say quickly, my brain is definitely speaking for me right now.

"We should probably get washed up first." He says. I realize that we hadn't showered after that night. We were at it all night so we basically passed out when we were finally done.

"Wanna shower together?" Kenma asks. Fuck i'm definitely not going to be able to keep my hands off him and he knows that.

"I thought you'd never ask."


1112 words. Im sorry for not posting this sooner so I made this one a little longer for you all. After this I will be posting an announcement abt another kuroken book called 'Addicts||KuroKen.' You should definitely check it out, it's mostly a chat fic but you know i'll include some smut for you lovelies! Have a great day!

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