964 15 2

Warning: Drugs and other substances

Kenma's POV:

"Cheers!" I smile at the sound of beers clinking and music blasting.

"Yo kenma! Come over here!" I turn my head at the sound of my name to see suga calling me over. I walk over to him and yamaguchi who is standing right next to him. We all hug and immediately start talking.

"So~ how have things been with you and kuroo~" Suga says wiggling his eyebrows. I roll my eyes and smile. Yamaguchi makes a "ooh~" sound and I scoff.

"How did you guys even know there was something going on between me and him." I say reluctantly.

"So there is something going on between you two!" Suga exclaims. I look at him in disbelief.

"I mean it's pretty obvious, every time I see you two in the same room you basically eye fuck each other." Yams states.

"There is something going on between us but before you two get too excited, there has been some serious drama so let me fill u in." I say and they get themselves ready for the tea i'm boutta spill.


"And that's when I found out he slept with akashi again."

"Again?!" Suga and Yams yell at the same time. I snicker at them.

"Yes again. And guess what. Now akashi and kuroo are roommates and i'm roommates with bokuto." I watch as both suga's and yam's jaws drop to the floor.

"Dude I need a line for this." Suga sighs, taking out a small pack of cocaine. My eyes widen.

"Jesus! Suga are you insane? Someone can see you." I exclaim as I shove his pack back into his pocket.

"Well then cmon!" Yams says as he drags both me and suga to my bedroom. He closes the door and suga takes out his pack again.

He opens it and pours some of it onto my desk. He takes out some random paper and makes the cocaine into a line. Then he leans down and snorts it. Yams does the same.

"Yo kenma, want a line?" Suga asks.

"Ugh, I probably shouldn't, kuroo would kill me." I say sighing.

"Tsuki is probably gonna kill me too but honestly at the moment idgaf." Yams says laughing at the end. I snicker. Yams may seem all sweet and innocent to others but in reality he's the complete opposite. I guess you can call him a bit of a con artist sometimes.

"Alright fine but just one line." I say and suga and yams cheer. I snort a line and automatically my mood changes. It's like the warmest and happiest feeling just hits you out of no where. I smile and giggle and so do yams and suga.


I turn around to see akashi staring at me. He looks disappointed. Shit he's probably gonna tell kuroo. What should I do.

"Oh uh, hey akashi, it's not what it looks like..." I begin but i'm cut off by akashi shushing me.

"I won't tell if you give me a line." Akashi says smiling. I laugh and smile back. Suga smiles and nods his head. Suga gives him a line and he snorts it.

"So akashi, what's this story I hear about someone kissing his ex." Suga says and we all listen curiously. Akashi sighs.

"Which story? The one where I kiss my ex or the one where my lover kisses his." Akashi says laughing a bit.

"Both." Yams says smiling.

"So I kind of have a friends w benefits thing with bokuto..." Akashi starts and suga and yams gasp. I giggle.

"He told me he loved me and then kissed his ex right in front of me." Akashi says, his smile dropping.

"Wow what a douche." Suga and yams say at the same time.

"I was just super confused and overwhelmed by the whole situation so I went home and started drinking. Next thing I know I'm drunk dialing kuroo and he shows up at my house. And the rest is a blur with tiny fragments." Akashi explains not making any eye contact with me.

"Damn what a douche." Yams says.

The tension between me and akashi is kinda bad right now. I mean we talked a bit the night I went to his party but he never actually apologized to me. I think suga and yams noticed the tension in the air because they both gave me a look and walked out the room. Leaving me and akashi to talk.

I sigh and take out my juul. I hit it and sit down on my bed. Akashi glances at me and the look on his face gives me the hint that he wants to say something but doesn't know how.

"I'm sorry." Akashi says snapping me out of my thoughts. I look at him a bit surprised and he sits down next to me.

"I'm sorry for everything, for hooking up with kuroo, not telling you, and not apologizing the right way." I'm completely shocked but I feel better now that he's apologized.

"I understand that you were confused and drunk at the time and i'm glad you finally apologized." I say and I see akashi let go of a breath he had been holding in.

"I don't want kuroo to interfere with our friendship kenma. I mean me and you have known each other for years and it honestly was wrong of me to even date kuroo in the first place. What we had was not healthy and i'm not gonna fight for someone I know is in love with someone else." Akashi says and I look at him confused.

"What do you mean in love?" I mumble.

"You and kuroo may not see it but from the moment I met you guys I could tell you and kuroo liked each other. Whether it was love or lust or just an emotional attachment I could just tell. But let me give you some advice kenma." Akashi says and i'm surprised by his words but nod.

"I've dated kuroo and I know that if you don't show him or give him what he needs he will start to think you aren't interested in him. He will move on from you and go to someone else. Kuroo is a stubborn man kenma and you two balance each other out so what i'm trying to tell you is to go after him, before it's too late."

My eyes widen at akashi's words. He isn't wrong, i've seen kuroo do it to multiple people. If he thinks someone is losing interest in him he will leave and I can't let that happen to me. So I have to ask myself one question.

Do I like kuroo?

I knew this chapter was gonna be long and it's actually supposed to be longer than this but if a chapter goes past 1,100 words I continue on the next chapter. So the next chapter is gonna be out soon because i'm gonna continue writing. Hope you enjoyed and remember to eat and drink

~Author <3

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