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Kenma's POV:

"Hey your going to Akashi's party tonight right?" I ask kuroo as we walk in the direction of the dorms.

"Yeah, I was thinking about it cus bokuto said he was going."

"Yeah I wanna go too, shoyo, suga, and yams are gonna be there."

"What time is it at again?" Kuroo asks and I recheck the message akashi had sent me.

"starts at 10 ends at—probably 5am?" I say and kuroo hums. We arrive at kuroo's dorm and he unlocks the door. As soon as the door unlocks we hear shuffling and shushing coming from inside.

Kuroo raises his eyebrow and turns on the light. Just as we're about to turn the corner into the living room akashi pops out of no where and pushes us back.

"Heyyy guys..." He says nervously and we look at him suspiciously.

"Oh please." Kuroo says before slipping past akashi and walking into the living room. And sitting on the couch was a very flushed—very messy bokuto.

I snort the second I see him and akashi scolds me. Bokuto's shirt is halfway unbuttoned and akashi's hair is a mess. They both have some matching hickeys and it's pretty obvious what was going on here.

"You guys weren't supposed to be here for another hour." Akashi says a bit irritated and bokuto gives us a nervous smile. Kuroo face slaps and I try my best to stop myself from laughing.

"Wow and here I thought bokuto was a sweet and innocent angel stolen by an evil devil named akashi." I say and bokuto laughs.

"Oh please you two are no saints either, don't think I don't see those matching hickeys on both of your necks. And kenma, those bandaids you've been using to cover up your little love marks are getting a bit old babe." Akashi says and I blush. Kuroo makes an inhuman noise and bokuto laughs with him.

"Girl I know you're not talkin right now because bokuto be coming back to our dorm late at night to change his clothes and I see them long ass scratch marks on his back." I shoot back and our boyfriends laugh even more. Akashi gasps.

"First of all why you looking at my man's back?" Akashi snaps back and smiles.

"First of all why you fucking in my man's house?" I say and we all start laughing.

"Can't argue with that one kaashi." Bokuto says while laughing and kuroo smiles.

He gives me a peck on the lips and akashi boos. We roll our eyes while smiling and sit on the couch.

"Ken lets start getting ready at 7 because I gotta be at my house by 9 to have an hour to get everything ready for the party." Akashi says from the kitchen and I nod.

"In the mean time I can order some food." Kuroo says and I smile.

"Yesss chick fil a please." I beg and akashi agrees.

"Wait so who's on alcohol duty this time?" Kuroo asks.

"It's shoyo, I texted him and he says he's already got the booze." I say and akashi nods.

Akashi walks over to the couch while pulling out his vape.

"Shit that reminds me, my nic died." I whined.

"Damn that sucks, that's why everytime I buy I always bring a backup baby." Akashi says and I roll my eyes.

"Is there gonna be any plugs at the party? Mine bailed on me." I ask and kuroo holds my hand.

"Im pretty sure suna and atsumu are gonna be there so if you wanna get stoned those are definitely your best options." Akashi answers and kuroo squeezes my hand at the mention of suna's name. I look over at him and rub my thumb on the back of his hand.

"Relax, i'll be fine I promise." I whisper to kuroo and he sighs.

"Alright we should probably start getting ready." Akashi says and I hum. I give kuroo a kiss and akashi gives bokuto a kiss before we leave the dorm and head to my dorm.


Sorry this chapter's short but it's necessary for all the shit that's gonna go down next chapter 👀 Remember to eat and drink, love you all <3

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