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Kenma's POV:

"Wait so if oikawa was the one that kissed kuroo then why are you and kuroo taking a break?" Hinata asks and I smile weakly.

"We've gotten a lot of hate from the press. Word got out that kuroo "cheated" on me and everyone hated the fact that I would get back with a cheater." I explain and Akashi hugs me.

"I guess in a way we both needed a break. Kuroo needs to focus on vollyball and I need to focus on school." I say while taking a sip of my coffee.

"I see where your coming from but...I don't think kuroo sees it like that at all." Akashi says while rubbing my back.

"He looks miserable ken..." Hinata says and I sigh.

"How longs it been since you've eaten?" Akashi asks and I hug my knees.

"Im just...not hungry." I answer and hinata and akashi glance at each other.

"Kuroo would want you to eat kenma." Hinata says and I look away.

The bell rings, indicating that the school day is over. Akashi and Hinata stand up and I let them know that I would be staying for a while. They seemed hesitant but left me alone. A few minutes later I hear the door creak open.


"Hey kenma..." Suna says, closing the door behind him.

"Mind if I sit here?" He asks and I nod my head as he sits next to me on the floor.

"Uh...im sorry about what happened at the party." He says and I glance at him.

"Which part." I say smiling and he laughs.

"I know it's the last topic you wanna talk about but...a lot happened that day and I was hoping you could fill in the gaps." Suna explains and I nod.

"I remember everything until we set foot on that dance floor." He says.

"We'll after we danced with suga and hit high off our asses we split up. Or at least I did. Maybe suga knows what happened." I say and he zones out with an uncertain look.

"Did...something happen at that party? Other then the whole kuroo situation." I say and he gives me a hesitant look.

"Promise not to tell anyone?" He asks and I nod my head.

"I sorta slept with someone—or at least I think I did. When I woke up I was in someone else's house. Completely naked. And I think the person was in the shower because they weren't next to me. I panicked and quickly changed into my clothes. Then I took off but as I snuck out the window I couldn't help but notice the address..." He says and he trails off at the end.

"Was it familiar?" I ask and he gulps.

"Forget about it...I don't wanna think about it anymore." He mumbles.

"Back to uh kuroo." He says and I flinch at the name.

"I know the two of us may not get along but as much as I hate to admit it. Kuroo is a great guy. I see the way he looks at you when you're not looking. I know he makes you happy and I know he would never do some stupid shit like this on purpose." Suna says and I look at him shocked. Suna and kuroo have always hated each other so this comes to a bit of a surprise to me.

"I know he didn't cheat on me suna...oikawa told me everything and i'm not mad at either of them. It's just that now that this has happened...the possibility of kuroo cheating or leaving me just runs wild in my mind. I can't stop thinking about it. And I know he would never do something like that but I can't help but thing "what if..." yknow?" I rant and suna nods.

"I love kuroo, I always have—I just need a break to get my head sorted out." I say and suna ruffles up my hair before standing up and holding out his hand. I give him a confused look.

"Cmon, let's go get you something to eat. Least I can do is let kuroo know we're keeping ya healthy." Suna says and I hesitate.

"You don't have to eat a lot ok. Baby steps, you know I won't judge." He says and I feel a bit more relieved. I take his hand and he helps me stand up. We walk out the classroom and walk towards his car.

"We're gonna meet up with suga and yams at the cafe." Suna says and I nod. As he drives I smile to myself.

Everything will be fine...right?

Hey guys, sorry for the late update. Hope you enjoyed and I'll try to get the next chapter out as soon as possible. Remember to eat and drink. I love you all <3



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