The Press

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So today, Peter, or rather, Spider-Man had an interview. He was to go in, answer some questions (without exposing himself) and get out.  It was going to be easy peasy-lemon squeezy. 

"Peter come on, get dressed, it's almost time to go," Tony said, waiting for his totally-not son. "You know how to do this right? Don't answer any questions you don't feel comfortable answering."

"Yeah Mr. Stark, thank you," he said, Tony fixing his tie. Peter was wearing his mask but had a suit on. 

Peter, Tony, and Pepper left. They head to press room. Peter waited outside the room and heard Tony talking.

"So, as you all know, New York's very own Spider-Man is coming in for an interview today. Please refrain from asking any questions you wouldn't want anyone asking you," Tony said. "Also please ask one question at a time."

Spider-Man walked into the room. "Hey guys!"

There were shouts from the different news outlets. "Please quiet down. Raise your hand if you have a question."

"Yes you, the lady with the sunglasses," Peter said.

"Hi! My name Is Sarah Bodin, from Channel 8 News. This is a question a lot of people have been wondering, do you have a family?"

"Well, my parents died when I was young, and then I lived with my aunt. So not really no, my unmasked self likes this girl, but I haven't asked her out yet."

Murmurs spread throughout the room. "Yes, you, man in the green suit."

"Hello, Jonny Apple, may I ask what your powers are and how you got them?"

"I can't tell you exactly what they are, but I can tell you some things about them. I got them 3 years ago after a small incident during a field trip. I was extremely sick for a week, but I got super strength and enhanced senses from it, along with my ability to crawl on walls."

"Thank you."

"You, in the purple bow-tie."

"Hi, yes, my name is Jamie Raines, are we allowed to ask how old you were when you got your powers?"

"I was 14, oh wait- shit, sorry Mr. Stark."

People were shouting. Spider-Man was a kid? Spider-Man, the boy who saved so many lives, who was shot so many times, who was bullied, who was hated by the Daily Bugle, was a kid?

"Spidey! Do you go to school!" 

"Spider-Man! Who are you!"

"Spider-Man, do you think you are capable of still being Spider-man?"

Peter covered his ears, backing up. His senses were going haywire from all of the commotion. His head wanted him to die. He couldn't breathe. He jumped out of the window, swinging until he collapsed on a building.

Peter tried to catch his breath. He basically exposed his identity. No one would want to be saved by a scared teen. His vision got spotty as he panicked. Why couldn't he breathe. He tried. In and out, in and out. His vison got spottier as he heard a suit landing.



He blacked out.

A few hours later he woke up in the infirmary. Tony's head was on the bed, holding his not-son's hand and he was slumped, half-way out of his seat. 

"Mr. Stark? What happened are you okay?"

Tony jumped up with a start. "Peter? Oh, thank the gods you are okay." 

He jumped up and hugged Peter. His son was okay. Everything was going to be okay. Tony covered for Peter after he ran away, made everyone leave, and then went after him. Everything was fine.

Its not long, but I felt like updating today. I might not update for another few months, but no one is home right now, so i did.

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