#25forced upon(unchanged)

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He had been lying to himself thinking he could hurt Sethu.

She had been the thread holding him from hurting himself throughout his life.

She had been there, holding him by the hand.

He had watched her struggle to breathe, begging to let her live.

Sipho distinctly knew his capabilities to hurting himself. However, he had always known of his capabilities to hurting the woman he loved.

He couldn't do it.

How could life play him for a fool that way.

He clearly remembered this other night...

They had spent their time away, dancing to classic music.

He liked how he'd swoon her with just a smile.

When she'd looked at him that way. So passionately, so loving, and so sincerely.

She had layed in his arms dearly. Holding him so tight as though she was afraid he would disappear from her sight.

How he wished they'd go back to that night.

Nothing much had went on then. They were still young and free from any worry.

Anything they did was for them and their future.

There had been no pain, no lies and no betrayal...

Maybe some day, Sethu had lived him truly, however, her love for him wasn't as enough.

Maybe some time ago, he had been her priority. However, time had changed, her priorities changed. And she fell for his best friend.

He had tried to move his forefinger to press the trigger many times.

However, a lot of things were holding him back.

He would be lying to himself if to say death had been keeping him sane.

He wasn't afraid of die.

He only feared shattering the littlest precious thing that used to be his happy place.

Sethu used to be the joy in his heart. And that joy turned to pain, and then hate. He hated his heart for holding on. He felt pathetic, used, and desperate.

Thinking twice if he should drop the gun to the floor. He changed the direction of the gun and turned to Lizalise.

Lizalise would be easier to kill for sure. He would just shoot his brains out.

However the years they spent together would haunt him even after he was dead.

He could see the determination in his eyes to jump in front of the gun if needed be.

They would haunt him to the ends of the world.

He remembered the first time they had met.

A drunken night, on a chilly May evening. You would think what university students would do on a Friday.

Get drunk until they forgot their names, obviously.

After an exchange of tequilas, seeing who would finish the first ten first. They had spent the rest of the night together each liking each other's energy.

Sipho had thought, it was just a drunken night they couldn't possibly keep contact.

However, after Lizalise had crashed in his room, too drunk to find his way to his home. He had woken up the morning after, asking if he had any plans later.

"Wanna get waisted tonight?" He had asked.

"I have a test on Monday." Sipho had answered, declining their plans politely.

"That's great, you have ±twenty four hours to study for the test," Lizalise had excitedly told him walking straight to the door.

"I didn't-" Agree, that would have been the following word Sipho would say before the new found friend shut the door before he could even finish his sentence.

"Agree," Sipho had finished silently after the door had been shut. Both confused and amused.

A few hours later, during that day, Lizalise had stopped by his door to check if he was done so they'd set out.

"You can't be serious," he had whined when he found Sipho on his pyjamas on a study desk busy studying himself to death.

"You're bad influence," Sipho had said a few minutes later, after Lizalise had pushed him to the door of a newly opened bar.

"Yeah, but you'll thank me later when you're looking back at the memories we made," Lizalise had answered, patting him on the shoulder.

None of them would be that easy to kill for sure.

Defeated, Sipho changed the direction of his gun to his head when a gunshot was heard.

Sipho on the ground, blood oozing from his stomach.

Sethu had hurried to Sipho's side begging him to stay awake.

"Don't you dare close eyes Sipho," She had half yelled.

"Please don't die on me," she had whispered in his ears.

"I'm sorry," she had cried.

"This was all my fault," she had begged for forgiveness hoping he'd make it through.

"Do something!" Sethu had directed her attention to Lizalise who had been too stunned to do anything.

Finding his twin brother with a gun in his hand.

"You didn't do it, I did," Lizalise had instructed whilst taking the gun from his brother.

"I shot him."


"Heyyy, heyyy, look at me. Look at me," he had whispered. "I did it."

Lizalise had firmly held his brother by the hand and convinced him.

And there, on the floor, his best friend hanging on his last breath.

"Sipho.." he had whispered.

He had felt this kind of pain before. When he had lost his wife, his father.. and now, him.

Lizalise had raised his head telling him to hang on.

And thank goodness there were helpers who had already called the ambulance because it had seemed to sleep to every one of them, because of shock, maybe.

Tears were evident from Sipho's eyes.
He felt too much pain that he couldn't hold on. He wanted to scream out loud and burn the world along with him.

With the little fury he had left. He had held Lizalise and Sethu by the hand and shared the most hateful glare he could master.

However, he couldn't. His eyes seemed to withdraw from the world and everything came to disperse.

"I hate you," he had told them.

With the world shutting down besides him. He could feel his eyes rolling themselves high. He could no longer hold on.

Funny enough, he was thankful.

Because even though Lizalise and Sethu had forced him to his death.

They had helped him in ways he could never imagine.

They had done a job he had failed to do sooner.


The end.


It's finally the last chapter.

*Note, I'm still editing the upper chapter, so there are minor changes that will lead to this end. I think this end makes sense to me. There was never gonna be a way out from their actions.

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