#9the solution(changed)

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Under the baobab tree, was a semicircle of chairs. Brown, tall, and woody, they stood, built to the ground.  Lizalise and I were forced to sit at the middle, as the judging angry gazes of my and his royal council scolded us like children.
"But the marriage was only in name," my so cold husband whined as the elders cried at the grew some acts performed by us.

"The ancestors must have already turned their heads in disgust from the amount of shame you have caused us." My royal uncle shook his head in agony.

"With that being said, how do you expect to have an heir Should you only marry in name?" Royal grandfather asked.

"Tatomkhulu(grandfather), I have already performed my duties. I have done all I could. You can't possibly ask me to," I huffed in annoyance as I glanced at Lizalise next to me.

"Halt now, now Sethu," grandfather begged in a rather very sweet tone. He reached for my chin almost begging me to look him in the eye. "When you agreed to marry him. You already knew some other unmentioned duties would follow up," he reasoned with me calmly, however, instead of a stern look, his cheeks softened and smiled lightly at me. "At most, what this old man asks of you is to at least prepare a presentable image for our people," he smiled mischievously as if promising candy after a quick duty is carried out by a child.  "Everything else, we shall cross when we get there, divorce is a thing now days is it not?" Grandfather asked the room at large.

The royal council nodded unsure, but not brave enough to go against his opinion. I smiled delightfully and asked in excitement, "what does the royal council ask from this  disobedient child then?"

An hour later, Lizalise was whining about having to spend a week with me in Durban. "It's not like I wanna do this either, but it's the least we could do," I reasoned feeling excited, imagining myself shopping and buying everything I layed my eyes on with Lizalise's money.

"Why are you so excited anyway?" He asked in suspicion.
"I'll be spending your money," I told him truthfully and simply.
"Ohw someone is excited yet they can't even stand the idea of having sex with me," he whined. Oddly, I didn't find the idea of having such a discussion with him awkward at all.
I squinted my eyes at him, annoyed by the image he put at my head. "I'm very sexible, you know?" He carried on to whine as he stood up to walk up to the refrigerator.
"Sexible?" I chuckled, "is that even a word?"
"You're so picky, wait until you're sexually frustrated, with sixty cats and alone," he begrudgingly hated on me.
I silently stood from my chair to hit him at the back of his head with my hand, "first things first, it's never happening, secondly, I'm engaged, to your best friend!" I emphasized the best friend part.
"Don't get me wrong, it's the way you said it, as if you'd rather be alone than be with me," he honestly explained his grievances. As if just because all the girls very much liked him I was supposed to feel the same.
"It's worse than that Lise, I'd rather die," I held back a laugh as I hit the floor with my heels running off to the garden.

~/ ~/ ~/ ~/

Three days later, Lizalise was driving as I tried to contact Sipho for the 100th time on my phone.

"He's still not picking up?" The stranger next to me enquired worried.
"No," it's been four days since we had talked, not that I was the type to suffocate, I just wasn't comfortable with how things were left between us.

"Give him space, maybe he needs to process everything." Lizalise tried to be more comforting and supportive, which I was thankful for, because I needed it.
"I just want him to fight for us, because I'm willing to," I softly said, suddenly determined. The spark in my eyes felt revived and I was ready to do anything in my power to keep him.

"Mhh," Lizalise listened amused by my sudden fierceness. A gentle frown silently building on his lips as the seconds dragged by.
"How are you willing to fight for your relationship, tho?" He then dragged each word out as if scared to hurt me, in a way of his.

"I don't know," I honestly shared my truth.
"You do understand that your only option in fighting for your relationship with him is walking out on this marriage," he glanced at me, empathy written on his fine line, "and that option, is something you don't have," he reasoned out, hoping I don't guilt trip Sipho into an unfair agreement.

I could feel a few tears build up, as they quickly threatened to blur my vision.
"Hey hey, don't be like that. If you keep on crying, then I'll be forced to spend our money on tissues for your dried cheeks." I half smiled at his attempt to cheer me up.
"Our money?" I questioned, turning half of my body to his direction.
"What's mine is yours," he said simply, smirking at me mischievously with a slight glint on his eyes. Before they were replaced with guilt.

"But I do wonder how the elders plan to fix the problem at hand. Us going on a vacation won't just silence the country," a serious expression was replaced and I found myself wondering how the problem at hand would be fixed.

"Nevermind that, my Instagram is full of pictures of Sipho and I," I hummed in unison with him as I took my phone from my front pocket to open my Instagram in cue.

"Your grandfather is quite the trickster and smart, I'm sure they'll come up with something," then again, Lizalise's serious expression was replaced with a playful glint and amusement.

"He did trick me into agreeing to this didn't he? But the chance or hope of split is a fair trade," I rested my head on the chair as I waited for the app to log in.

"You're quite in the hurry to be away from me aren't you," Lizalise chuckled as he grinned at me playfully. "You'll regret it, I make such a great husband," he smirked and I watched him blush, wondering what could have caused him such a reaction.

"I believe you," I sarcastically reassured him as the page finally loaded.

"Sure Sethu, I'm reassured," he pointed out my sarcasm but I couldn't exactly focus on his words because I had realised I was trending, again. But not because of the leaked pictures.

This time around, it was a post on my account, that had set the country on fire.

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