#19 naps(unchanged)

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"Kumnkani please leave me alone. I want to have a nap." I said sleepily too tired to open my eyes.

"you haven't woken up yet and you already want to take a nap. How insane is that?" He burst out laughing while roughly pulling my hair. "Ouch!" I yelped painfully as he pulled my hair for the thousand time. "I think we have different definitions for nap," Liza chuckled enjoying torturing me.

"well my definition for a nap is procrastinating to wake up for atleast two hours before really waking up!" I huffed at him annoyed snuggling myself into a pillow.

The pillow was so soft and fluffy. How could I let go such a lover? He was so gentle and great to snuggle. Ohw pillow I don't want to let you go. I thought to myself at the mist of my morning thoughts.

"And my definition for a nap is that moment after wild sex," he exhaled highly and laughed hard when he heard me groan.

"It's not even morning yet and you're already thinking about sex." I remarked poking his chest.

"Ohw I'm cincerely sorry princess I didn't know there was a timetable for certain conversations, I mean definitions," he chuckled proud of his comeback.

"You're an ass," I finally gave up my beauty sleep and sat up. I'd really melted when I woke up on the middle of the night and heard his deep breaths against my neck, his hand holding my waist tightly.

Does that mean we will share the same bed till death do us apart from now? I don't really mind. How can anyone mind sharing the same bed with this Greek God.

"A Greek God ass,"

does he read minds?

he smirked showing his beautiful set of teeth. That was true, but I'd never give him the satisfaction and build his already Kilimanjaro ego. I rolled my eyes and replied, "what does that make me then? A Greek Goddess?"

"As much as I don't have a problem with lying, my culture doesn't allow me to lie." He stated as a matter of fact. I gasped faking a heartbreak and screamed, "what is that supposed to mean?" He dramatically face palmed himself and sighed dramatically.

Which kind of made him cute. I mean Liza had these hard features that made him rather a little intimidating. Okay very intimidating, and when he acted childish, my stomach acted this funny way. What was it called again? Yeah, butterflies flip-flopped and swam in my stomach.

"It means, you don't meet the minimum requirements to be a goddess, a Greek one at that Miss."

"I feel insulted by your harsh truth sir,"

"I mean you're not smart, or even pretty, you don't have a damn curveous body that would make any man want to tie you down. A body that makes a man so jealous that sometimes he'd want to forbid you from going out with your sister." He paused.

Why do I feel like he's saying the exact opposite of what he truly means.

"..And you don't have deep, black, shining, twinkling, reflecting hypnotizing eyes that can steal a man's heart in a second. You can't even command a person into doing whatever you want! So no! You don't meet the minimum requirements." He counted and shyly looked away when he realized he'd said too much. Did he think I was pretty? Did he see me as smart? Did he do everything I told him to do? Did he think I was that attractive?

"Yeah right," I laughed hoping he truly thought I was attractive.

"You're such an honest man," I marked sarcastically.

"do you think I'm a Greek God?" He asked. He looked somewhat vulnerable for a cocky Liza I had come to know. "Not that I care about what you think but since I've told you what I think about you. It's fair you tell me." He told me staring at me with those hazel eyes.

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