"Caroline's? What are we doing here?" I couldn't help but to be confused as he sped out of the car; opened my side and pulled me into his arms.
"Our time together was spontaneous and truly wonderful. But you did just go through a traumatic experience. You were held captive; trapped in a cage and shot. This is not something you can just push aside and forget about. You are human. You must talk to someone about this. If not me, than one of your close friends. Stephan has messaged me, he wishes for you to spend some time with your friends. I agree." His hold tightened slightly as he kissed the top of my head. "I will see you soon, my sweet Amelia." I finally blinked a few time before tarring my glaze from a spot on the road. I felt stupid. I knew that I couldn't hide from his. But I had hoped.
I nodded and stood on my toes to place a quick kiss on his check. Before I knew it, Caroline's door swung open. Her hair was damp and she wore her bath robe. She gave a small smile.
"Hey, I see Elijah healed you pretty good," I knew what she was doing. It was the same thing I always did. She was avoiding it. She was trying to pretend it never happened.
"Care? You don't have to..." She quickly nodded a few times before flinging herself into my arms.
"I was so scared! I wanted to help you, that all I wanted. But I was so scared." She started to shake; I shook my head while I stroked hers.
"I know Care. But we're fine now. We're going to be okay,"
After a while of holding each other we finally pulled away. Caroline started to furiously wipe away her tears.
"God, I feel stupid." She laughed slightly.
"You're not Care. And I'm sorry, about Tyler... I know he let you down. He let us both down." Caroline silently nodded but looked up when there was a quiet know at the door. Stefan.
She opened the door, "Hey, what going on?" I wrapped my arm around her waist and rested my chin pm her should to smile at Stephan.
"I was a bit worried about you guys. After everything you both went through tonight," Caroline looked down to me and gave a soft smile before turning back to Stephan to try and reassure him.
"We're fine," He nodded and continued,
"Okay, but, just in case, I uh brought some back up," He gestured behind him, and they appeared.
"We're gonna slumber it,"
"We haven't done it in ages." Bonnie wrapped me and Caroline in her arms, but when I looked up and saw Elena, it all started coming back. Everything that happened that night. And I knew I couldn't push her away this time. I needed her. I needed my sister.
Uhg what the hell? I pulled the sheets over my head and groaned as I heard the sound of someone's phone ringing. Knowing full well it was Elena's I reached out from under my sheets and shoved her off the bed.
I heard a grunt as she hit the floor and peeked out to see her glaring at me.
"Hello..?" She finally answered. Bonnie groaned and Caroline grumbled, "Elena!"
She crawled out of the room talking to who I can only assume to be Stephan. This was proven true when I heard her mumbling about having a sleep over of their own. Well that ruined that for me...
I felt myself bounce slightly on the bed as Elena flopped down beside me. I let out a high pitched groan and snuggled into Caroline as Elena Wrapped her arms around me, Caroline then ruined my oh so relaxed state by opening her mouth.

The Second Choice
RomanceThe thing is, I love my sister, I really do. But sometimes its hard. To always be second. To always be on the back burner. I know Caroline used to bitch about this insistently back in her human life, but it's true. Everyone loves Elena. Including Da...