Before I could even register anything Jeremy's arms were wrapped around me in a tight embrace. I felt his body shake as if he was finding it hard to breath.
After a few moments he finally lifts his head. His eyes were red, and it looks as if he hasn't slept for days. I give him a sad smile due to his state and placed my hand on his shoulder,
"Jesus Jer, when's the last time you slept?" He just shook his head.
"I just- I knew you were out there somewhere. I didn't want to stop searching but..."
"But we couldn't find you. Where have you been Princess?" I glared at Damon as he took a step forward. He looked mildly concerned. But more so, he looked curious. And you could never trust a curious Damon.
I stepped around Jeremy and find myself nose to nose with Damon.
"Exactly where you left me", I sneered. Elena finally made her move towards me. She reached out only for me to take a step back. She looked down.
"We searched the mansion for you, but we couldn't find you anywhere. We even searched outside in hopes of picking up a trail. There was no sign of you. We hoped maybe you got away before I even got there..."
"Well clearly you missed a room." Damon continued to stare at me, as if analysing me. Never trust a curious Damon. "What?" I finally snapped. He raised a brow.
"How did you get out?" I sighed making my over to his collection of bourbon, and pour myself a glass.
"Well, after you've left me, I woke up in a locked room." I started to circle them, taking casual sips from my bourbon. "After breaking down that door, I stumbled upon a shish kabobbed vampire." I paused. "After I realized I was abandoned, I simply hitched a couple of rides until I got here." I feel as if telling them of my bonding experience with Elijah could be a fun little surprise for later.
Damon simply shrugged.
"And that was it? You woke up and hitchhiked your way home?" my head quirked to the side.
"Well it's not like I could have called home now could I?" I sighed. "Well as much fun as this was, I've had a rough couple of days. I think I'm going to go home and take a nap." I took a final swing of my bourbon and tossed the glass over my shoulder on my way to the door. I paused when I reached shoulder to shoulder with Damon and smirked. "Have fun with your doppelganger."
I ruffled my hair a bit before shutting my eyes and crashing on my bed. Finally.
But that ended quickly with my eyes snapping open to a light knocking on my balcony doors. Are you fucking kidding me? As I ripped the doors open I found myself facing a teary eyed Caroline. Her eyes were red and she seemed to be trying to hold in some not so silent sobs.
"Care..?" With her vampire speed she flung herself into my arms. And she let herself go.
"I tried, I really did. Th-they told me I had to s-stay here and keep an eye on everyone else while they looked for you. S-so I did, but when they came back, I tried. I really did. But I couldn't find you! And the vampire; Elijah, they told me about him, b-but he was gone! You were both gone, so I thought he- I though he may have- please don't hate me..."Caroline's rambling turned into muffled sobs as she nuzzled her face into the crook of my neck. She cared. She actually came back for me.
"Shhh, come on Care Bear. How can I possibly hate you? You tried. That's more than I can ever ask from my own sister..." I couldn't help but laugh, "And as for this Elijah, he didn't eat me. So let's stop the tears, go out and pick up real shitty food that will make us sick for the rest of the week and watch some Netflix." Care finally picked up her head and gave a light smile.

The Second Choice
Roman d'amourThe thing is, I love my sister, I really do. But sometimes its hard. To always be second. To always be on the back burner. I know Caroline used to bitch about this insistently back in her human life, but it's true. Everyone loves Elena. Including Da...