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Soar. My body was freaking soar. And not the fun soar, when I knew I just had a fun night with a certain Salvatore. But a bad ‘I think I was just kidnapped and beaten with a book’ soar. I couldn’t help the groan that came out as I rolled onto my back, I finally decided to open my eyes and take in my surroundings. The room was white. At some point anyways. The walls were falling apart, bits of the wood beneath peeking through. The only lighting in the room was the moon light that would shine through the cracks of the makeshift boarded up windows, and a string of light bulbs on the floor near the door. Great. Just great! I groaned as I picked myself off the blanket and pillow that was on the floor and slowly made my way to the door. Locked. Well of course it’s locked. If it wasn’t that would just be too easy! I screamed in frustration as I slammed my side into the door.
“I’m-“ SLAM “so fucking-” SLAM “SICK-” SLAM “of these frucking-” SLAM “VAMPIRES!” CRASH “FUAAACK!” I groan and glared at the splintered door from my new position on the floor. Well as long as I’m out… I picked myself off the floor and looked down. GREAT! Well my dress was ruined. These ass holes knocked me out, was this necessary? The one strap this dress has was ripped off, so a ridiculous amount of cleavage was now showing, and there was a nice tear on my left thigh. The bun my hair was once in was loosened greatly, stray curls kept falling out. I sighed and looked at my teal nail polish on my toes. “This is fucking ridiculous…” I grumbled and made my way back into the pervious room in search of my shoes.
“Elena..? Elena.” I whispered her name and continued to open the doors of the rooms on the top floor. I did what I could to find some sort of weapon to protect myself, but all I could find were the string of light bulbs, and what would I do with that, strangle the vampire to death?! Yeah. Right. I’d have a better chance stabbing them in the eye with my heels. Which is the current plan.
“Elena, I freaking swear to God… If I’m alone here, I might just kick your ass-“ I stop as I reach the top of the stair case. Looking down I see a vampire impaled and pined to the main doors by what looks like a piece of the banister… I try to tiptoe over to the corps. No sudden movements… Wait what? He’s dead. I snort to myself and take a closer look.
Well, he is some sort of good lookin’. “Damn. Too bad, you were quick attractive…” I cock my head to the side.
“Well, thank you.” And his eye flash open. I scream.
I should just stay on the floor. Clearly this is just where I’m meant to be.
“What The FUCK Guy?! I almost pissed myself!” I lowered the heel I held out to protect my face and clutched my chest to slow my heart. He gave me an inquisitive look. Yeah, well bud, I’m not the one pinned to a door. He pulled out the makeshift stake and effortlessly tossed it to the floor. I just gaped at him from my spot on the floor as he looked down at the hole in his dress shirt. Hot.
“Well that’s unfortunate.” Really? His only problem right now is a hole in his fancy suit? He sighed and offered me his hand. I took it.
“Well for someone who kidnapped me and my sister and destroyed my dress, you sure do have manners.” The man chuckled.
“It was not me who kidnaped you and your sister, nor did I touch your pretty little dress. That would be the work of two rouge vampires who believed that handing me your sister, Elena, would settle some kind of debt that they owe me.” I peered up at him from the stray curls that fell into my face,
“Did it?” He gave a stiff smile.
“Well as you can see, your sister and her boyfriends have attempted to kill me. They’ve long gone. So no.” They’re gone… I looked back up at him catching his eyes.

The Second Choice
RomanceThe thing is, I love my sister, I really do. But sometimes its hard. To always be second. To always be on the back burner. I know Caroline used to bitch about this insistently back in her human life, but it's true. Everyone loves Elena. Including Da...