"You know Elijah; I'm quite the history buff myself. Care to exchange notes?" Damon gestured towards the private office.
"Yes that sounds fantastic. Carol, it was lovely seeing you again." Elijah then turned to me and gave me a sweet kiss, before squeezing me hand. Before leaving Damon turned to me.
"Don't fret Ames, we won't be too long." He smirked. That idiot better not do something stupid.
I jumped when I heard someone clear their throat to catch my attention.
"Oh, Mrs. Lockwood! Uh..." I was slightly flustered. She shook her head and laughed, waving me off before patting me on the shoulder.
"Oh, Amelia, I was young once too. Elijah is a smart man. And very good looking," she whispered slightly before giving me another smile and walking off." I couldn't help but to just stand rooted in my spot. My cheeks felt warm. So awkward... I let out a breath and noticed Alaric looking in my general direction.
"Hey, Alari- Oh!" My hand shot out to the pair of shoulder ahead of me; my eyes looked down to my ridiculous shoes as I tried to steady myself. I clearly need to invest in more flats. "I am so sor- John?"
"Amelia. It's been a while." I quickly composed myself and crossed my arm over my cheat.
"For good reason. When did you come to town?" John sighed before answering.
"Another reason why Jenna is an unfit guardian... I came in a couple days ago. You would know that if you spent more time around the house and not out with your vampire boyfriend."
I opened my mouth to interject but he immediately cut me off. "I'm aware that trying to persuade Elena to change her preference in boyfriend's is a lost cause. But come on Amelia, I didn't expect this from you. And with an Original no less. Though I am quite curious Amelia, do you love him?" My eyes widened slightly at this unexpected question. The truth is, I don't know. I've only known him for a few weeks. Is it possible to even love someone after t a short amount of time? My brain hurts. Avoiding the question, I just scoffed.
"Oh lay off the overbearing parent act John. You may be Elena's father. But you're not mine." I made sure to walk right into his shoulder as I walk passed, "It was a blast catching up John." I muttered sarcastically. I made it only a few feet before he called out,
"You can't trust them." I froze, my back stayed to him. "And I'm not talking about your Original." He came up close behind me. "They'll do anything it takes to make sure he's dead Amelia. Your little crush doesn't matter to them. If I were you, I'd practice my farewells."
"What can I do for you Damon?"
"I was hoping we could have a word" Damon replied as turning to face Elijah.
"Where's Elena?" Elijah asked as his fingers casually ran over the back of the leather couch.
"Safe with Stefan, they're laying low. You know, bit of a werewolf problem."
"Oh yeah, I've heard about that," Elijah was unfazed by Damon's sarcasm.
"Sure you did since it was you witch who saved the day."
"You are welcome."
"Which adds to my confusion exactly, why you're here?" Damon pondered while he leaned against a desk.
"Why don't you just stay focused on keeping Elena safe and leave the rest to me." Elijah turned to leave, but Damon quickly blocked him.
"The rest? Like Amelia? I don't think so." Elijah stiffened. He grabbed Damon by the neck and pinned him to the fare wall. Damon's hand reaches out and curled around Elijah's; who didn't flinch. Damon's eyes widen in pure shook at Elijah's strength as he easily pries Damon's hand off. Damon groaned in protest.
The Second Choice
RomanceThe thing is, I love my sister, I really do. But sometimes its hard. To always be second. To always be on the back burner. I know Caroline used to bitch about this insistently back in her human life, but it's true. Everyone loves Elena. Including Da...