(PART 8)

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Hey everybody! You want me dead yet? Yea like I've said I suck at updates. Anywhore, haha, I used an old MIW song cause its one of my many favorites :) Enjoy the chapter guys!


The music died down and there was only the sound of people talking, so I knew I wouldn't have a hard time being heard.

"Hey." I called stiffly and Carmen turned in her seat to face me, looking confused.

"Yes?" She questioned raising a drawn on eyebrow, and the sight of it made my stomach twist in jealousy, they were a lot alike.

"What do want with Chris?" I growled and her whole demeanor changed, from nice confused girl, to something much more sinister.

"Oh, let me guess you're his new toy." She hissed.

"No, I'm just his friend."

She got up from her chair, smirking as she said, "Is that what he told you? That's what he does to every girl when he isn't with me. He'll be super sweet, reel them in by being "friends" with them, gets them, and then he realizes they aren't me and leaves them."

I felt a stab in my chest, but ignored it for the moment, "You didn't answer my question, why are you here?"

She laughed lightly and answered, "What do you think? To take what is rightfully mine."

"You mean hurt Chris again." I snapped.

"If that's what happens then it isn't my fault." She retorted, her grin widening.

"I won't let you." I insisted and I could feel myself getting angrier by the second.

"And how do you plan to stop me? He's known me for years, he knows how I am, and yet he still comes back." She says with a wicked laugh and it was suddenly drowned out by Chris's voice over the speakers, but then she got closer to me and yelled to where I could hear her, "Do you think you can change that? No one can! Especially some stupid little bitch of a girl!"

My jaw dropped when she tackled me to the floor and sucker punched me in the face. I quickly kicked her small body off of me and got up warning her, "Don't touch me. I am not  fighting you."

"Are you afraid I'll win?!" She shouted and stood to her feet, swinging at me again.

That was it, I was pissed, I'll show her who's gonna win! I grabbed her fist and twisted it making her yelp and pull away from me. I could tell she wasn't ready to end this just yet so I punched her in the stomach before she could do anything. At that moment the crowd began to notice our fighting and turned their attention to us. Carmen didn't seem to care that we had an audience as she jumped on me trying to put me back on the ground, so I grabbed her by her hair and flung her away from me. When she hit a bar stool she let out a scream of rage and by the time she was running at me Chris was already in between us.

"What the fuck are you two doing?! Carmen why are you even here?!" Chris screamed at the both of us.

'Great, now I've fucked up and he's going to make me go back home, way to go Ash.' I think regretfully.

"Well I'm leaving now, so don't worry about it." Carmen snapped, but before she walked off she looked at me and quietly assured, "I'll be back and I can tell you're gonna be an easy thing to get through, and he'll be mine again."    

 With that she stormed out the doors leaving Chris and I behind with everyone staring at us. I turned to him as he gave me a dirty look, then rolled his eyes as he headed back to the stage. I felt my stomach drop and suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around me. I turned slightly to see that it was Tyler, which shocked me.

All I Wanted was a Hug and I got This? That's Cool (Chris Cerulli)Where stories live. Discover now