This story follows a series of events in the lives of high school students, but specifically the life of Roseanne Kim, a teenager navigating a life of drugs, sex, drama and relationships.
(cover by Ange...
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☆Roseanne Kim's life☆
Roseanne Kim was definitely my favorite person in the whole world. She was the person who boosted my mood, my self-esteem, my will to live. I believe that if I had never met her in my life, it would probably be the worst life to live.
It is no wonder that thousands of people love to idolize Alexa, she is perfect.
Being one of the most popular students at East Highland High School, probably the most famous student in the school, they don't idolize her because she is popular or anything like that, Rose is the coolest person that can exist among so many students, it could be that many of the students, in this case all the boys, have already had the phase of having a crush on her and she has a great favoritism among these horny boys ready to jerk off to her. This may be one of the reasons why she is so loved, but besides being the most extraordinary person in this world, she is beautiful, very beautiful and has a family that has what we can say, a lot of privilege.
Speaking of her family, she lives only with her mother, Rachel Monet.
Rachel has always been very free with Roseanne, always let her be whoever she wanted, have friendships with anyone and do whatever she wanted, but with a warning, actions have consequences, but she always gave a little warning about what can happen.
— If you want to be with that boy for me that's fine, live your life, but I'll tell you he doesn't seem to be the most reliable person in the world, so be careful. — Rachel was talking to the 14-year-old girl.
— If you get into a fight with that Mia girl, I can tell you that her mother will want to talk to me later, and I'm not in the mood to talk to a mother who doesn't raise her daughter right, and besides, you might hurt this pretty little face. — 13-year-old Roseanne listened to her mother's advice about wanting to solve a bullying situation with violence.
— When you have the urge to use some drugs, know that you can become an addict, end your life, it's okay to want to use, but you have to know how to control yourself, I will not raise an addicted teenager in this house.
Rose always listened to every piece of advice her mother gave her, and for a very good reason, whenever she received these opinions almost everything worked out, but there were only a few situations in which she came out with losses, that is a story for another time.
Rachel had always taught Roseanne about life, about having bad and good people in this world, about money, drugs, politics, and most of all, sex. She knew that it was necessary to explain to her daughter about these subjects.
The main one was always sex education since Rachel didn't want her daughter to get pregnant in her teens, it would be the worst thing that could happen to her at that time and she didn't want her to get something like AIDS, that for sure could be the worst situation for Rose. She was taught everything from the female and male body itself to penetration and other sexual nonsense.