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Fall was approaching, quickly. The leaves on the Tree of Feelings never changed, but the other trees lit up with brilliant colors, which Dream happily pointed out to me.

"Isn't it lovely, brother?" he tried to climb one, but the branches snapped under his weight. I tried to catch him, but we both ended up tumbling to the ground. We laughed, though.

"Yeah, it is pretty. Now could you please get off me?" Dream chuckled nervously and got up, helping me up with him.

Jeffery didn't stop bothering me like I hoped. It was a lovely, autumn day, but he chose to ruin it for me. He and his buddies surrounded me, and I shook my head in annoyance.

"I thought you would learn by now," I said quietly. Jeffery didn't answer. I frowned and stood up. He'd usually insult me by now. A terrible fear grew inside me as his buddies pounced. They placed a brown sack over my head, and tied my hands and ankles up. I grunted as I was slung over someone's shoulder.

'Where are they taking me?' I thought. The sack smelled like potatoes, so I guessed they must've stolen it. But what did they plan on doing with me? I struggled as more and more sinister ideas popped in my head, and I couldn't stop the fear from welling up inside me. 'Wh-what if they... What if they trap me somewhere? What if I can never escape?! What if they keep me someplace to torture me, or keep me as a sex doll?!'

After quite some time, I was harshly thrown to the ground. My breathing was ragged from the impact, and only got quicker when I heard the splintering of wood. W-was that an axe?! Oh gosh, do they plan on beheading me?! I tried to crawl away, but someone put a foot on my back, preventing my escape.

"Quit struggling, slut."

I didn't recognize the voice very well, so it wasn't Jeffery. Suddenly, I was again lifted up, then thrown down into somewhere. I cried out in pain when I hit the shallow water. The sack was getting filled with water, so I sat up painfully. I coughed out the water that I had accidentally swallowed, then summoned a knife. It felt like my shoulder was bent out of shape, but I couldn't worry about that, right this second. I cut my hands free with practiced ease, then shakily removed the sack. My eyelights adjusted to the darkness quickly, and I realized with a jolt where I was.

I was at the bottom of a well.

I looked up at the top, and sighed shakily. I could climb that, I think. I cut my ankles free, then attempted to stand. My legs shook from the shock of hitting almost solid ground at a height that should've broken them. I managed to lean carefully against the wall, and took a moment to catch my breath. Phew. At least I can move. Now to get out.

I summoned two spears. I vaguely remembered doing this once before, but where, I had no idea. I stuck one into the wall as far up as I could, then hoisted myself up. I stuck the other one as far up as I could get that one, and hoisted myself up farther.

This pattern continued until I was half way up. My shoulder was throbbing painfully, and I shook from the effort to keep myself up. I glanced down at the bottom, then at the top. I can make it. I can make it! I pulled the spear out, gritting my teeth. I swung up and lodged it into the wall, pulling myself up. I was nearly there. I cried out as I slipped once, but I regained my footing.

The ledge was right there!

Right at the top, I grabbed onto the edge of the well. For a moment, I just hung there, catching my breath. Then, with greater effort, I pulled myself up. I tumbled out of the well, exhausted. My right shoulder was hurting badly, so I carefully turned my head toward it. It most definitely was bent out slightly, and I groaned. This is probably the worst injury, yet. Or maybe those burns were. I don't know. Maybe I hit my head wrong when I fell.

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