Funny How That Works

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"Please don't do this to us...."

"Don't leave us...."

"Don't leave me...."

... ... ...

I opened my eyesocket slightly to find a bright light shining above me. I was too tired to sit up, or even move. This feels familiar, I thought. The haze in my mind made me feel disoriented, and I couldn't even guess how long I'd been lying here. I tried to move my arm, and the sensation of pins and needles sprang up along my limbs. I rubbed my tired eyesocket, unaware of what was going on.


I jolted and opened my eyesocket tiredly. Dust was sitting on the edge of the bed, eyesockets wide and his cheekbones stained with tears. I immediately felt guilty for it, berating myself for causing him unnecessary pain and heartache. His voice must have been what I heard in my dreams. And I was the reason I'd heard such desperation and sorrow.

Dust smiled, tears of what I felt were of relief spilled down his cheeks. He reached out to touch my cheek, and I patted his hand. He seemed to realize what he'd done, because he retracted his hand and turned away. I chuckled weakly as I noticed a purple blush on his face.

"G-glad y... you're ok, D-Dust...."

He turned back to me, a concerned look in his eyelights. "What happened, boss? I f-found you... lying there... bleeding out." His expression darkened as he recalled the memory. "It was your frickin' brother, wasn't it?! He's tried to kill you twice now! When I find him, I swear he's dead."

"N-no!" I gasped in a breath, trying my best to sit up. I drew in as much air as my injured ribs would allow, though the effort forced tears to spring up in my eyesocket. "N... no. I... can't lose him... again...."

Dust looked down at his hands. "If he isn't gonna play fair, the least you can do is fight back! You can sense him! Take him by surprise next time!"

I shook my head as I eased myself back onto the bed. "I'm not gonna hurt him, Dust. He is only doing what he believes is right."

Dust growled. "You don't have to hurt him! I'll do it-"


He refused to meet my eyelight. I could sense his hatred, and I sighed. I couldn't let him hurt Dream, no matter how much he wants to. Dream doesn't deserve my aggression. If the rest of the gang thought as Dust did, then Dream was in terrible danger. They won't stop until they get their revenge. And I hated to think what would happen next. If they succeeded, the multiverse would once again be deprived of a positive guardian. The general positivity of the AUs would deteriorate, until there was nothing left. Ink would blame them, and use that as an excuse to execute them as enemies of the multiverse.

Then, he would come for me.

"D-Dust," I whispered, the effort of speaking taking too much of my energy. "Please listen to me. Dream's my brother. I already lost him once. I can't see him die again. I don't want...."

Dust nodded silently. We looked up at the door, where the rest of the gang was. They must've heard me, and came to investigate. Cross and Killer had brought their cats along with them, hugging them like their lives depended on them. I smiled at them.

"Hey, boss," Horror began, holding up a tray of brownies. "I-I made you some brownies. Ya want one?"

I shook my head and glanced around. "Y-you guys should have some. I don't really feel hungry, right now."

"No, I really think you should try one," Horror brought one out and handed it to me. It wasn't until then that I noticed it had a faint glow to it. It was magic.

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