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I stumbled and tripped with every other step, struggling to stand on all fours. Eventually I stood full and tall, confused with my body aching all over.

'Jacob, the treaty.'

'Do you guys feel that?'

My mind crowded with familiar voices, only stressing her out more.

'Hello?' I went to speak, but physically all that came out was a growl.

'Holy shit.'

'I called it, Sam'

That was the last thing that I heard, which had me now convinced I'd lost my mind completely. Taking one leg after the other, I began to move- quickly getting use to moving on the four paws I'd mysteriously developed.

Eventually, I started to run, running further into the woods, with nothing but pain and confusion clouding my mind and body.


The sun was rising, and my eyes fluttered open. The first thing I felt was the cold, hard ground against my stomach as I laid curled up, next to a tree. Last night I spent a majority of the time running around aimlessly- doing my best to push aside and the voices in my head and enjoy how the wind and rain felt as I ran.

Was this real? Was I dreaming...maybe I was in another coma.

In the end, all that mattered was the free feeling I felt once I fully adjusted to my new form. I stood up from my laying position, stretching my aching body.

"I remember that feeling."

I jumped, getting into a defensive position with a loud growl.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. Just calm down." Jacob took slow steps forward, his hands up. "You're confused, and I know you're in pain- but I'll explain everything. Just let me help you."

I gave him an unsure look, before lowering my defensive guard and leaning my head down. He ran his hand down my dark fur, letting out a breath.

"Just, don't hate me after." He muttered.

I tilted my head, and laid down on my stomach.

"Close your eyes, and take a deep breath." He began, crouching down in front of me, "That's it...you're safe, it's all gonna be alright."

I don't know what it was, but something about him made me feel safe. His voice calmed me, and his touch sent waves of comfort through me all at once.

I was so relaxed that I didn't notice that I began to change back until the skin of my bare feet lay against the ground. I instinctively covered my bare chest until he put the large shit that he was carrying over my head, helping me slide it over my naked body.


"Before you say anything, I want to show you something. You good to walk?" He held a hand out, helping me stand from my kneeling position.

I nodded, following him as he ventured through the trees and over fallen ones.

"After I changed for the first time, I needed some time to think- alone. I found out about this place." We stopped, our surroundings vaguely familiar. The cliff overlooked a dense forest, dark green covering the land for miles ahead. Stepping forward, I felt a hand stop me.

"Careful, it's cats that always land on their feet." He joked, gently pulling me back from the edge, "I know that you have questions, but take a minute to clear your head."

And that's exactly what I did. I stood there, the cold wind not affecting me as much as it normally would due to my new body temperature- something I'm guessing came with the whole shapeshifter deal.

"You can...you can change too?" I broke the silence, looking over at him to see him already staring at me.

"It usually happens to guys on the res when they reach 'manhood', or whatever." He quoted, crossing his arms over his bare torso, "You're the first female to shift, other than Leah."


"Yeah. Her and Seth shifted after Harry died yesterday morning." He explained.

"Shit. I'm sorry Jake, I had no idea." My eyes widened. My poor dad, he was probably a wreck right now.

Jake nodded, looking off into the distance before he continued,

"Usually we can tell when someone's about to shift for the first time. The fever sets in, you feel sick to your stomach. I should've been paying attention last night—"

"It's fine." I cut him off, "With Alice coming back, and my sister putting herself in life threatening situations at any given moment- I'm the least of your worries."

He looked like he wanted to say something, but instead shook his head.

"Does it hurt like that everytime?"

"No. Eventually, it's a lot smoother. You can change at will when you get use to it."

I ran a hand through my messy hair, looking over at him once again. I began to notice small things, like how his mouth would twitch up into a small smirk whenever he spoke- or how his eyes were the darkest shade of brown, but were brighter than anything I've ever seen.

He must've felt my eyes on him, because he looked back at me, making his expression turn into one of sorrow.

"Look, Athena," he took a step toward me, "what you're feeling right now, that pull that you're feeling to me- it's only because of the imprint."

"Imprint?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Imprinting on someone is like... like when you see them... Everything changes. All of a sudden, its not gravity holding you to the planet. It's them... Nothing else matters. You would be anyone...anything they need."

It sounded beautiful, and I'd be lying if I said that I didn't want something like that.

"Remember that day you came to my house with Bella, and you saw me for the first time in weeks?" He kept his eyes on mine, "Before that, were you ever attracted to me?"


I remained silent, listening to him speak and doing my best to listen.

"And...and you imprinted on me?" I couldn't help but smile a little, looking down at my feet.

"Yes." He held his breath, "But, It didn't feel....right."


Not only did that physically hurt my heart, but mentally I felt myself wanting to disappear from his sight.

He didn't want me.

"I love your sister, Athena. It's always been Bella."

How could he say that? If you're imprint is someone you're suppose to love, and protect from harm...then why was he hurting me?

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