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The large animals eyes connected with mine, instantly giving me an unshakable feeling of both fear and oddly enough...safety.

My thoughts scrambled to find a logical answer as to why I was feeling such a pull toward this creature- but it was unexplainable. The feeling was just there.


A voice filled my head, the large dog staring at me from across the field as if it were looking into my mind.

"Wake up, Athena"

I closed my eyes, suddenly feeling a sense of dizziness washing over my body. Was it talking to me in my own head?

I wanted to say something, anything, to the majestic animal- but an ice cold hand grabbed my own and stopped the words from coming out of my mouth.


Who was standing next to me? Why couldn't I turn to look over at them? It was like my neck physically wouldn't turn, but I felt the presence there.

I felt the cold, yet incredibly warm hand touching mine.

I focused my eyes one last time, looking at the wolf. It's eyes held a fierce look, as if whatever was next to me made it uncomfortable.


'Welcome to Forks'

The wooden sign was the first thing I saw as I opened my eyes, waking from my foggy dream. I ran a hand over my face, sitting up with a yawn.

"How long was I out?" I glanced at my sister in the front seat, running a hand through my tangled hair.

"We'll be there soon." Charlie mumbled , glancing at me through the mirror "Around three hours."

I nodded in acknowledgement, focusing on the rainy weather surrounding the car as we drove down the road. That's right, I remember Forks being...wet.

"Hey Bella?" I averted my eyes to my older sister. She hummed quietly, acknowledging me as I continued "Do you remember when we use to play in the rain as kids?"

"Yeah, of course" she muttered.

"We'd make those mud pies and leave them on our neighbors doorsteps. " I sighed, leaning my head against the cold window "You remember those days?"

"Yeah." She gave me the smallest smile "Feels like forever ago."

Secretly I'd hoped things would just go back to how they were before I moved away with my mom and Bells.

Except for this time, we were to old to make mud pies.


I shut the front door behind us, entering the familiar house I grew up in. I took a deep breath through my nose, looking around at the exact same set up the living room held for the past 17 years.

"Bells will show you to your room," Charlie paused "I hope you don't mind- I had to fix up the attic for you."

I smiled, nodding my head and  following my sister up the stairs. We stopped outside of Bellas room on the way to mine, which seemed to match her personality.

"This is my room-" she then motioned to a closed door on the opposite side of the hall "That's Charlies. Just down the hall is the bathroom."

I glanced into her room again, noticing the small details that made it hers. From the pictures decorating the walls, to the stuffed animals sitting on her bed. Finally, we reached the end of the hall where the attic was left open.

"This is it. I'll see you for dinner, I guess." she motioned to the retractable stairs, shoving her hands into her pockets. After a quick thanks, I stepped up into my new room without a word, looking around in appreciation. A relieved sigh left my lips as I got to the top. 

"Not bad, dad." I blew into the air, setting my bags onto the crimson comforter.

Not bad at all.


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