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"You look nice Bella." I smirked, stepping into my sister's room. She gave me an awkward laugh, turning away from her mirror.

"Thanks." she breathed, turning to me fully "Ready?"

I let out a deep breath and followed my sister out to her rust bucket of a truck. The door creaked as I opened it, just as a sleek looking SUV pulled into the driveway.

"That's Edward."

"Saved by the boyfriend. " I watched him pull up, "Sorry Bells, but your man clearly has a better taste in cars than you do." I shut the door, playfully nudging by her "He's a keeper."

"Don't hate on the truck" she laughed breathily- opening the passengers door to Edwards car. With a shrug, I got into the back.


"Show me the love." Alice cooed, snapping a picture of Edward and Bella. I watched as the Cullens started to give my sister their personal gifts, Emmet's being my personal favorite with the car jokes.

If I was being completely honest, the whole Cullen family gave me an off feeling- but I brushed it away as they introduced themselves for the sake of Bella's birthday. I only spoke to a few throughout the night, and they seemed like nice people for the most part.

"It's a necklace- Alice picked it out." Rosalie quickly handed a small thin box to Bella. I raised an eyebrow at the blondes blunt behavior, wondering what her obvious problem was with Bella.

Lastly, Esme and Carlisle handed Bella an envelope- "We thought you could use a little sun." Esme commented with a beautiful smile.

Bella bit her lip, thanking the couple as she struggled to open the paper. I shook my head, setting my drink down and reaching to take the envelope from her hands just as she got a papercut.

"Damnit Bells," I sighed, putting my hand under hers to stop the blood from dripping onto the expensive looking carpet that was probably worth more than everything I owned put together.

Leave it to Bella to find someway to hurt herself at any given opportunity.

I grabbed the discarded envelope off of the floor with my free hand, looking up to see the whole family staring at Bella rigidly- just as Jasper had looked at me earlier at school. An unsettling feeling sat in my gut as she became the center of attention.

Did it just get eerily silent, or is it just me?

"Let me go get a tissue- " I spoke up, but was interupted as Bella and I were shoved roughly. Glass shattered as Bella flew into the now broken table, cutting her arm up on the shards. I ended up hitting the wall- bashing my head off of the paint harshly. The last thing I saw was the Cullens struggling to restrain a rabid looking Jasper, before I completely blacked out.


The school bell woke me up with a jolt, making me groan and lift my head to see everyone leaving class. I stood up and gathered my things, ignoring the judging gaze of my lab partner as I attempted to weave through the students and out of the class. Luckily, the halls were busy, and I was able to avoided any Cullen that roamed the school on my way to my locker.

Not that I'd seen any of them as of recently.

I swiftly pulled my bag out of the cubby and shut the metal door- revealing none other that Edward Cullen's pale face.

So much for that.

"How's your head?" He referred to the injury I had aqquired last week at the Cullen residence.

I scoffed and adjusted my bag on my shoulder "You tell me, Cullen. Why don't you ask the five stitches I had sewn into my scalp."

"You're angry, you have every right to be." his calm tone followed me as I turned to walk away "I need you to hear me out."

"And I need you to stay as far away from me as possible" I muttered, "Preferably you and your freaky family."

Eventually walking out of the building with fast pace, since Charlie couldn't pick me up today because of work and Bella was riding with her boyfriend- I had no choice but to walk home, taking the shortcut though the woods.

On my way away from the school parking lot, my eyes caught a glimpse of golden blonde hair and dark eyes from across the space. Quickly breaking the eye contact, I shook my head and disappeared into the treeline.

Bella had some freaky taste in guys.

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