Coming Home

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Hawkins, Indiana. The world's worst place to live. Why my parents decided to move to this hot, disgusting town will always be a mystery to me.

I guess, my friends have made it a little more bearable. I've known them since before I could tie my shoes and they've always been there for me. Although, I haven't been able to be with them.

Last year, I might have gotten into some trouble with another girl (I almost blew her face off with an illegal firework) and my parents decided to send me to Lake Forest Academy, a fancy boarding school in Illinois.

Over the summer, I've been staying with my Great Aunt Patsy. She's ok for the most part. She has a lot of cats and let's me smoke a cigarette every time I get her a pack from the gas station, even if she smells like mildew and my brother's gym shorts.

That's another thing I forgot to mention. My brother, Steve Harrington. My favorite person in this stupid place.

Don't tell him I said that.

He's stupid sometimes but he's cool. It's been exactly 1 year, 3 months, and 2 days since I've last seen Steve, my parents, or any of my friends. I stopped getting letters from my friends last November, although Steve says not to worry and that there's just been a lot going on. I still think that if they cared, they could've at least sent me a Christmas card.

I'm finally going home today. I got kicked from Lake Forest and my parents wanted me to come home now so that I'll be settled in by the holidays. I wrote to The Party but I doubt they've read any of my letters. Hopefully when I get back they'll remember my name.

If not I don't know what I'll do.

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