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The bell rang just as I pulled off my gym shorts.

"Shit, shit, shit." I muttered as I tried to pull up my jeans. I stuffed everything in my bag, heaving it up and slamming my locker shut. I sprayed a shit ton of perfume, trying to get the stink of basketball off of me.

I paused in the mirror to scrunch my curls and fix my mascara. Thankfully the door to the locker room was right next to the exit. I pushed open the door, stopping behind the railing. 3/4's of The Party sat at the bottom of the steps, reading a comic.

An upside down comic.

I crouched down behind Mike, looking at the comic.

"It's upside down, Dipshits." I scoffed. They whipped around, giving each other worried looks. "You know you can just talk to me instead of being creepy."

Mike opened his mouth to say something and at the same time, a car horn went off obnoxiously. I looked up to see Steve parked by the curb, laying on the horn.

I stood up straight, picking up my bag.

"Alright, I'm coming!" I shouted.

He threw his hands up in the air, turning up the radio. I rolled my eyes, muttering to myself.

"I'll see you later." I said offhandedly, pushing in between them.

I jogged over to the car, throwing my bag in the backseat. I collapsed in the passenger seat, huffing loudly.

"I see someone had a good day." He chuckled, pulling out onto the main road.

"They all turned into total creeps." I seethed, "They just watch me, they don't even talk to me."

"Maybe, just give them time." He shrugged, "You haven't seen each other in a long time and a lot-"

"A lot happened last year, I know." I rolled my eyes.

He sighed but stayed silent

"What happened?" I asked, turning off the radio.

"What?" He kept his eyes on the road and his face was blank but he shifted uncomfortably under my stare.

"You always say that a lot happened." I lowered my voice, mocking him. "What happened?"

"Will went missing." He shrugged.

"Well, I know that." I crossed my arms, "Mom told me. And I get that, but what does that have to do with me? Why are they ignoring me or acting as if I haven't known them since the beginning of time."

"I don't know." He shook his head. "Things happen and people grow apart. Sometimes you can't control it."

I sighed, sitting back and leaning my head against the seat. My heart was in my stomach and my face was burning. Why did we have to grow apart and they still get to have each other?

He glanced over at me, seeing how upset I was.  "How about after school on Friday, I'll take you to the diamond. Yeah?"

The corners of my mouth went up in a small smile as I nodded.

"By the way," I drawled, "Could you drop me off at the acrade?"

He ran a hand through his hair, "Did you ask Mom?"

"Uhh, no."

"If I get in trouble I'm blaming you." He sighed. "I'll drop you off for an hour while I pick up Nance," I started to protest, he put up his finger to stop me. "Bup, bup, bup. One hour. And then we're going to the Holland's for dinner."

I exhaled sharply and he did too, just to mock me.

"Please try to behave tonight," He pleaded, pulling into the parking lot, "Just be nice, okay?"

I pushed the door open with my foot, zipping up my jacket.

"Okay?" He called. I nodded, waving him off and shoving my hands in my pocket.

I leaned against the wall outside of the door, my arms crossed with one foot pressed against the wall. A minute later, Max's car came speeding into the parking lot. I pushed myself off of the wall, smiling. I face dropped when she came out of the car screaming and cursing, flipping off the car as it sped away.

"Damn," I watched the car pull off before turning to her. "You okay?"

"Just my stupid brother." She rolled her eyes. "C' mon, let's go save Princess Daphne."

"Alright," I laughed, "You go ahead, I'll be in in a second."

I waited until the door shut behind her before looking back. My eyes once again landed on the two boys who were hiding behind a car. Lucas put down his binoculars as they both looked at me, shocked that I had seen them. I flipped them off, stretching my arm out as I pushed open the door.


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