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I've been back for three days and they still haven't acknowledged me. I even saw them at the arcade and they still ignored my existence. So, naturally, I was dreading school today.

I zipped my jacket up to my chin, following Steve to the front office.

"It's her first day back, she's a little nervous." He chuckled to the secretary who cooed. I nudged him in the side, giving him a pleading look.

"Well, I'll take good care of her." She smiled, motioning to a ginger girl sitting on a bench, "Go join Ms. Mayfield and I'll be with you in a moment."

I nodded, waving goodbye to Steve, and making my way to sit down next to Mayfield. She pulled her bag off the seat and onto her lap while avoiding eye contact. I sat down next to her awkwardly.

Eventually, after talking to Steve for quite sometime, the plump woman climbed out of her seat and motioned for us to follow her. I picked up my bag quickly and left the office. I looked back at Steve as he went through the front door and he gave me a thumbs up as the door slammed shut. My footsteps echoed in the hall as we passed by dozens of classrooms.

"You will both be joining Mr. Clarks class for now and at the end of class, he'll give you your schedules." She smiled, opening the door. I crossed my fingers as I followed Mayfield into the classroom, hoping on my life that no one from The Party was in this class. I scanned the room.

Shit. They were there, front and center. I made eye contact with Lucas first and they all immediately started whispering to eachother.

"Ah," Mr. Clark exclaimed, "these must be our new students."

"Indeed." The lady nodded, "All yours."

Mayfield started to head to the back of the class.

"Hold up," He stopped her in her tracks, "You don't get away that easily. Come on."

He motioned for Mayfield to come closer as I positioned myself next to her.

"Dustin, drum roll, please." Dustin flipped over his book, drumming his fingers on it. I looked over the class, trying not to look at any of my former friends.

"Class, please welcome, all the way from sunny California," He used his best announcement voice, "the latest passenger to join us on our curiosity voyage, Maxine."

"It's Max." She muttered, looking at the floor.


"Nobody calls me Maxine. It's Max."

The Party started to whisper again. Mr. Clark smiled.

"Well, all aboard Max!"

"And now," He dropped his voice again. I shoved my hands in my pockets, my face burning from embarrassment. "Once a girl from Illinois but now back in Hawkins, and ready to learn everything there is to know about science, it's Sarah!"

I rubbed the back of my neck, going to a desk in the opposite corner from Max. I sunk in my seat, feeling the eyes of The Party on me as I stared at my creased shoes.

I tried to zone out Mr. Clark as best I could, I just wanted this class to be over. It felt weird to leave and have everything be normal and now when I get back everything has changed. I was confused as to why my bestest friends in the world were now ignoring me.

The bell rang and I nearly bolted out the class. i picked up my schedule off of the front desk, not even looking at Mr. Clark. I pushed past the kids in the door, knocking Will harshly in the shoulder. Not on a purpose of course, but I didn't stop to apologize either.

I pushed open the door at the end of the hall, rushing down the steps. I sat on a bench against the wall, setting my bag down next to me. I pulled out a Spider-Man comic, settling in to read.

Over the top of my book, I could see Max as she skated back and forth over the asphalt. I looked over at the fence to see The Party whispering to each other as they watched her. I looked back to where Max had been and she was gone. I looked around to see her going up the stairs back into the building, only stopping to drop a piece of paper in the trash bin.

The Party ran over to the bin and I quickly looked back down, pretending that I hadn't been watching. They dug through the trash, looking for whatever she had discarded.

I stuffed the comic back into my bag, taking the crumpled schedule out from the front pocket. I scanned over the paper.

1st pd. Science rm. 101
2nd pd. English rm. 155
3rd pd. Tech rm. 004
4th pd. Math rm. 222
5th pd. History rm. 130
6th pd. Gym rm. 009
7th pd. Coding rm. 236

I furrowed my eyebrows. Coding and tech? I definitely did not sign up for coding and tech. I looked at the name at the top.

Maxine A. Mayfield

Shit. I stuffed the schedule into my back pocket, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. The Party was still digging through the trash. I gave them a weird look as I went past. I went up the stairs, stopping behind them as I leaned over the railing.

"You guys are being really creepy, you know?" They all looked up at me, giving me mocking looks.

"When did you get back?" Lucas asked, crossing his arms.

"Three days ago." I shrugged, turning back around and going into the school.

I saw Max at the end of the hall, banging her walkman against her palm.

"Hey, Mayfield!" I called. Her head shot up and she looked around, her eyes landing on me. "I think we switched schedules."

I held it out in my hand as I walked towards her. She pulled out a folded schedule from her jacket pocket and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I muttered as I looked at it. I saw her shift uncomfortably but I didn't look up.

"So," She drawled out, "Do you know those creeps?"

I followed where she was pointing to. Outside of the door, I saw four heads looking through the door window. They quickly crouched down again, obviously trying not to be seen.

"Why?" I raised an eyebrow.

"You guys give off a vibe." She gave me a snarky smile.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "We were friends before I moved away."

I looked her over, meeting her eyes again. "You're madmax, right?"

She gave me a genuine smile this time.

"I saw your high score on digdug," I shoved my hands in my pockets, shrugging my shoulders uncomfortably, "Would you wanna go to the arcade sometime?"

The bell rang and the halls started to fill.

"Sure," She called over the chatter of other kids, shuffling her feet so that kids wouldn't knock her over, "This afternoon. 3 o'clock?"

I nodded as kids shoved me. I turned around, going to my next class.

Maybe, I don't need The Party after all.

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