Chapter 11: Confessed

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"Hello Mother," I say through my phone. "Hi son, how has high school been going?" Mom asked in a sweet, comforting voice but it was a little muffled through the phone.

"It's... okay. Mum, I have to ask you something," I uttered. I was on the school field, leaning against a far tree. It's right now free time so I called my mother. "Y-Yeah?" "M-Mother, recently I got a lover," I say. I could hear mother squealing through the phone, "REALLY?!"

"Yeah but I'm not interested in him," I say. Mom's voice drops. "By 'him', I suppose you're not straight but that's fine and it's totally fine if you don't like him, you'll get lovers who you'll like in the future," Mom assured. "Yeah but Mum, I have this feeling I get around him. It's..." I went silent.

Mom chuckled,"You've got a crush" "R-Really?" I asked, sounding worried. "Yeah!" Mom guaranteed. "But mother, he has bullied me before," I groan. I've got a crush on my bully? I'm so frustrated. "Love is love, son. No matter who it is on," Mom announced, "Now you better get him before he falls for someone else. I'll be waiting for my son-in-law," Mom chuckled as I hung up.

I sighed as I blushed at what Mom said. Mom says it, Tommy says it. Should I give him a chance?

(Please finish listening to the song before reading)

We finished singing the song we've been working on for months. The song Ranboo helped me make. We didn't stop this 'cuz I've always wanted to make a song of my own. I smiled and looked at Ranboo. He looked sad as he said, "It's done," We've been meeting up in the music room everyday to complete this song. Now that it's complete, we won't meet up anymore.

I frowned at him. Then I sighed, "Look loser, why did you bully me?" He didn't answer. I got mad as I walked in front of him from my piano to his drum set, "Why did you bully me if you were gonna do this?" Again, no response. "Look, I might've received feelings for you if you hadn't bullied me," I said, hands on my hips.

"ANSWER!" My voice rose, "If you loved me, why did you bully me?!" "BECAUSE I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO SAY TO YOU!" He shouted. I leapt backward at his outbreak, shocked. "I was worried and nervous to speak to you because you... you looked so... pretty! I didn't wanna mess up my chance" Ranboo stood up, "Plus I wanted to keep my reputation," Tears streamed down from his eyes, making his mask wet.

"But later, you taught me love is more important than rank, but I guess I was too late for love," He said as he ran out the door. I gasped as I started following him. He was so fast. My mind was racing with thoughts as I chased him down the stairs. Did he actually mean it? That's when he ran out the front doors of the high school, down the stairs and out the gate.

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