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He carried her through the door in one swift motion, her legs wrapped tightly around him while her hands were grabbing at the tiny baby curls at the top of his head. Their lips were a storm of passion as they pressed and parted against the other, the warmness of his tongue was filling her mouth as he let it slide easily against hers. The passion, the desire that existed between them was an exact replica of what she had felt the night that he had led her from the bar in a crazed daze of lust and desire that she had never thought would turn into what they were right now. Two people who were devoted to each other and loved each other more than they loved themselves.

He finally made it to the bed, his knee coming up to sink into the soft mattress as he started falling back against it, his rushed lips finally parting from hers as she looked up at him. The feeling of his breath tickling her sweaty skin making her flesh rise in tiny goosebumps as their chests rose and fell in unison with the other as she gave him a smirk that dripped heavily with sex and desire, her eyes dancing wickedly with his as he gazed down from his perfect position on top of her, his arms baring most of his weight as he pressed his hips tightly against hers. Their lips were just barely grazing over each other as their breathing started to escalate again, the beautiful anticipation of sex brewing inside both of them making it feel like it was the first time all over again.

She slowly let her hands fall from around his neck as she traveled them down his chest, half of his shirt left open as she started to free the remaining buttons of his shirt from their restraint. She slowly traveled her hands up his perfect torso, her hazel irises staying perfectly connected with the crystal blue of his as she slid her hands over his shoulders sliding the shirt from them as he pushed himself off of her and threw it to the floor. She felt her breath catch in her throat as she took him in. She had seem him like this more times than she could count since the first night that they were together, but for some reason tonight she felt like she was seeing him--really seeing him--for the first time and she couldn't get enough of him.

She started running her hands down the strong curves of his biceps, her fingertips trailing over the heavy ink that littered his skin like its own personal highway system. Each one of her fingers explored a different road on their own as she felt goosebumps start to form under the soft pads of her fingertips on his flesh. Everything about touching him felt like the most amazing thing she had ever done. Even though she could describe every bump, every curve, every single thing about his body from exploring it so often everything felt new to her tonight and she was more than ready to see where this new feeling was going to lead when it came to that moment.

His eyes stayed connected with her seductive hazel irises as he watched with what she had deemed to be adoration as she paraded her fingers down his biceps and over his bare chest, a bright sparkle in his eye as he watched her almost as if he was still amazed that after all of these months she still loved him and appreciated him for everything that he had to offer, everything that everyone until her had been repulsed by. She slowly started moving her fingertips over the bison tattoo--which quickly became her favorite piece on his body--before running them against his perfectly defined jaw that was still visible beneath his perfectly kept beard.

He closed his eyes as he leaned his face into her soft touch as she started to trace each and every tattoo that was scattered across his already perfect face. Over the months she had seemed to forget that they were there, when she had looked at him she would see nothing but him. His beautiful blue eyes, his perfect soft skin that would turn the right shade of pink when it was kissed by the sun, his perfect lips that were always ready to give her the most amazing kisses that she could ever ask for. But tonight, she paid close attention to the art that littered his skin and appreciated it for everything that it added to him, but most importantly she wanted him to know that they still don't bother her and they never will.

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