Because I Like You

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"Ooh!!!! Y/N!!! I didn't know you had a thing for cute guys!!!" your friend nudged you and winked as you looked at your crush.

"F/N!!!! I don't like him because he's cute. He's cute because I like him." You replied sassily.

"Ughhhhhhhh. Sometimes I wonder where all this confidence comes from."

"You're an idiot for even liking him." Your other friend teased you, but you didn't care because he was like a hero in your eyes.

"Seriously!!! I'm getting bored! When will you ask him out already!?!!!?" F/N whined and you could only slap her back harshly.

It's not like you never tried, but you could never muster up the courage. You had multiple opportunities but you kept passing them up.

It wasn't that hard to go up to someone and say 'Hey! Let's walk home together!' Right? You got his number when you did a group project together, but you never called him once after that. You wanted to talk to him for the entire night and fall asleep while video chatting. You wanted to hang out with him on the weekends but as mentioned earlier, you are a wuss. A big fat wuss.

"UGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I HATE THIS!!!!" you screamed in your head.

'I want you to look at me and notice me.'

"Yo!!!! Y/N you spaced out!!!" F/N snapped her fingers in front of you.

"Huh? What?"

"We were just saying, you should change your style a bit.... You know? Just a tiny little change. See if he notices."

"You guys are hopeless. I'm gonna be late for math class." Saying that, you ran out.

Sunoo's Pov-

She's late..... Again.

"Y/N!!! Are you gonna fall asleep again today?" one of her friends asked her. She is such a social butterfly. I laugh as she yelled at her friend with an irk mark on her head,

"I'll definitely stay awake today!!!"

Unsurprisingly, she slept throughout the whole class. I couldn't stop staring at her sleeping face, she was so darn cute!!!! I'm really in love with her. Just then, she got up as someone screamed. It was that annoying girl who sat next to the window. It was probably another spider or a bug again.

The teacher face-palmed and asked someone to help her out. She got up and walked to her and got rid of the bug with ease.

I loved how she acted so brave and boyish in front of everyone, but I remember seeing her cry when she found an injured stray kitten on her way home.

After class ended, she looked lost. Math was not her subject and she knew it. She was chewing the tip of her pencil and staring at her notebook with a frown and a frustrated look on her face. I wanted to help her and approach her but her friends came in.

"Y/Nnie!!!! Let's go watch a movie!!!"

"Yup!! Hyun Bin's new movie is out!!!!"

"Sure!!! Let me just pack my stuff."

I wanted to go with her. I wanted her to notice me and I wanted to confess to her.......but I was too much of a coward. At the end of the day, I could only mutter a soft "Bye-bye" under my breath as I watched her leave, smiling and laughing.

End of Pov -

You wanted to ask Sunoo to join you and your friends but you were afraid that he would feel weird or left out, so you decided not to. When you got home, you belly-flopped onto your bed and sighed.

"Tomorrow is the day......tomorrow." You whispered. You got up, and took a looooooong hot shower and wore your pj's. Standing in front of the mirror, you practiced. When you were confident enough, you went to sleep.

The next day, you curled your hair, let it down and added two cute clips. Next, you put on some blush and lip gloss and sprayed perfume on yourself. Being new to the smell, you kept coughing and sneezing. When you finally adjusted, you smoothed out the wrinkles on your uniform skirt and got ready for school.

On the other side of town, Sunoo was getting ready. He wanted to look cool in front of you, so he decided to style his hair. He applied hair wax on his hair, but since he hardly ever did it, it got everywhere. It was sticky and uncomfortable but he wanted to do it just in case you liked it. He slicked his hair back and fixed his shirt.

When you got to the school, he was already there. He sat back in his seat, looking out the window. With his hair back, he looked soooo goddamn ethereal. Before you knew it, you tripped on air and almost fell forward, startling him. You regained your balance and went to your seat.

Just when you were going to talk to him, some girls burst into your classroom and ran to Sunoo.

"Sunoo oppa!!!!! Omo!!!!! You look so good!!!!! You should wear your hair like this more often!!"

"Ehe....... Thanks."

You kind of felt jealous. Why could they talk to him like that and not you? You weren't even socially anxious but you just couldn't speak to him. You slowly got up and walked to talk to him.

Sunoo's Pov-

Oh my god. She looks so adorable. She wore a clip today. Sheworeacliptodaysheworeacliptodayshe woreaflippincliptoday.

Why is she soooo cute!!!!

Sunoo. exe has stopped working.


She's walking towards me.

Be cool. Be cool. BE COOL!!!!!!!

"H-hey...... Sunoo oppa."

"Hi Y/N."

"I was wondering if you could help me with something."

"S-Sure!!!!What do you need help with?"

"Well........ Actually it's just that, I.... Ummm, I have a crush on this guy and I don't know how to approach him.... Or even bring up the topic."


You could literally hear my heart breaking if you stood close enough. What should I say??? Should I respond with the classic 'I don't know'?????!!??!


End of Pov-

Y/N's Pov-

I did it. I finally did it. I talked to Kim Sunoo.

But why does he have such a serious look on his face??? Did he see through my façade?!!? Is he going to turn me down?!!!!

End of Pov-

"Please don't tell me to give up my pursuit." You thought as you waited.

"Please don't go to another boy...... Stay with me." He thought to himself.

"Honestly, I have no idea what kind of advice to give you........ I don't have much experience in dating so........." he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and smiled.

"Ahhhhh. I see."

Awkward tension filled the room as neither of you knew what to say.

Mustering up all his courage, he said, "Maybe you should ask him to meet you and then get to know each other."

"Really?? Thanks for the advice, oppa."

She went to her friend and started discussing with her, the excitement clearly visible in her eyes.

"I was too late......... I wished I had my courage earlier so that you could turn me down before I fell hard." He quietly muttered under his breath.

At the end of the day, when he walked to his locker, a neatly folded piece of paper flew out as he opened it.

" Sunoo oppa, I was thinking maybe we could get a cup of coffee together after school and get to know each other better. It's totally cool if you don't want to, but on the off chance that you do, I'll be waiting for you. 😅😅😅


He ran out faster than the flash and in the process, bumped into her, causing them both to fall to the ground.

"Hey you........." he smiled

"Hehehe.......... Hi."

Happy endings do exist in real life!!!!!!


Well...... That was the first fic. I got the inspiration from a Japanese song "sukidakara" and it is absolutely adorable. The lyrics are cute and I just thought..... This song would suit Sunoo so much🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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