Y/n as a little member.

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Y/n was a little and everyone knew. Her members, the company and their fans. They were really supportive of her, but nothing is perfect, so she did receive some backlash. However, the members did their best to make her feel loved and accepted.

"Y/n!!! It's time to wake up!!" Jay called out from the kitchen.

When she didn't answer after a while, Heeseung volunteered to check in on her.

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

No response. He made his way towards the blanket lump and softly shook it.

"Guaaaaaaaaa!!!" She yelled, jumping at him.

Due to his fast reflexes, he moved away, resulting in her falling onto the floor with a huge thump.

"N-nie otay!!!" She shouted and tried to escape from the blanket. She wriggled for a long time and when Heeseung tried to help her, she refused, saying ,"N-nie ish a biggal!!"

After struggling for a few more seconds, she let out a sigh and stopped. "Otay, N-nie need hewp."

Heeseung chuckled and pulled her free.
"Wheeeewww!! Tank you deungie."

"Does N-nie want uppie? Or can she walk on her own?" He asked the mentally 5 year old.

"U mm mm mm.......N-nie wans uppies!!!!! Deungie. Up up." She made grabby hands at him and he picked her up. She was smaller than all of them, which made it easier for them to carry her, but it felt like she was getting lighter and lighter....this troubled Heeseung.

When they entered the kitchen with Y/n in Heeseung's arms, everyone instantly knew what was up.

"Aigooooo. Uri Y/nnie is up!!" Sunghoon cooed.

"Bish move over. It's my turn to carry the fluff ball." Sunoo tried taking her away, but she clung harder to Heeseung's shirt.

"Papa, Ddeonu sed bad wowd." she looked at Jake and pointed at Sunoo. "I tink Ddeonu nees a time ou."

"I promise!!! I won't say it again!! I'm sorry. Mm mm mm???" Sunoo did aegyo.  She always loved his aegyo.

However, she was hell-bent on seeing him get a time out. Was it because he ate her last chocolate a few days ago?? We'll never know.

Since she was adamant about it, Jake gave in. "Sunoo, go to the living room and think about what you just did for five whole minutes."

She was sooo happy. She stuck her tongue out at him and snickered. 
A few minutes later, Niki walked into the kitchen.
"Why is Sunoo hyung in the corner of the living room? He asked.

Seeing him, she couldn't stay still and tried to reach him.
"Niti!!! Niti!!! Catch!!!" She jumped from Heeseung's arms onto his. His expression changed instantly, and looked at Heeseung, who simply nodded his head slowly.

This exchange did not go unnoticed by the other members. Every single one of them was curious as to what was going on with her. Niki slowly passed her to Jake, who instantly understood.
"Uri Y/nnie!! Baegopa??" He asked.

"I wan waphuls!!!" She jumped off and sat in her seat.

"Waffles coming right up!!"

When everyone was seated and served, Jake carefully started asking her.
"Nnie.......is big Y/n hiding something?"

"Eung." she replied without a care in the world.

"What is it?" Jungwon asked.

"Can't tell Wonie.....ish a segwet."

"If you can't tell Wonie, can you tell Mama?" Jay asked.

"But big Y/nnie wiw be angwy."

"I won't tell your secret to anyone else."

After pondering for a few seconds, she got off her chair and situated herself on Jay's lap, where she whispered in his ear.

"You pinti pwomis?" she stuck out her finger where he wrapped his around it.

"I promise."

"You betta not bweat it. The segwet is that......big Y/nnie stopp eatin."


"Betaus, shesh biggal nau."

"Of course she's big. She's all grown up."

"Yishhhhh. Not lai dat!!! Big Y/nnie wash looting at phone and she see people waait mean wowds. So she stop eatin."

"But nnie gets hungry right?"

"Eung." she pouted. "It howts hewe...and then she has to go buueeeeghhhhhhhggg in the bafwoom." She rubbed her belly.

"Then......uri nnie should eat lots."

"Nouuuuuu. Big Y/nie wiw get angwy."

"She won't. If she does, I'll hit her."

"Nouuuuuuuuuuuuu." She quickly got off and ran to Sunghoon.

"Hoonie!!!!! Sawe me!!!!" She hugged him tight.

Times like these, everyone couldn't help but look at her lovingly...as if they were looking at a baby. She was their baby and each one of them would fight anyone who made her cry.

She was perfect to them and it hurt them when she starved herself because of some mean people on the internet. It was difficult to convince her in bigspace, so they did their best to tell her everything when she was a little. They would buy her the world if she asked for it. That's how much they loved her. If only she loved herself half as much as they did..................


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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