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              I didn't respond and just stared at him, I noticed Reign turning to look at me and narrowing his eyes at the way I looked

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I didn't respond and just stared at him, I noticed Reign turning to look at me and narrowing his eyes at the way I looked.

"Emmeline, I asked a question," I heard Willam say.

"William, it's nothing I just fell from the stairs, it's not a big deal," I said laying back on the seat.

"That doesn't look like you fell from the stairs, it looks like someone pushed you on the ground or something," said Reign.

"I fell on the ground," I said again.

"Emm-" Started William but I interrupted him.

"Liam! Let's just go inside and I'll tell you everything,"

I don't have the energy to fight back, although I want to, plus the guy said that I shoulder to deliver the message for them for our good, maybe my brothers know what he is talking about, and by doing what he asked for they will gain something or I don't know I'm too tired to think.

He looked at me for a bit then got out slapping the door harshly behind him, Reign stayed with me and looked back at me.

He got out of the car when released that I won't be moving anytime soon, I'm tired all I want to do is lay down and sleep.

William was already in the house, I know he went directly to his room to calm down or to the gym, he always does it when he is too angry.

Reign opened the back door for me and helped me get out, I thanked him but he didn't respond and instead stared at my injuries and then took something out of his pocket, a tissue, he placed it on my left eyebrow and I flinched away cause it hurts.

"Why?" I asked backing away but he hold me back in my place with his other hand that is in the back of my head.

"It's bleeding," he said not looking at me only focusing on my injuries.

"No, it's not," I said trying to back away again but couldn't because of his tight hold.

He showed me the blood on the tissue, and I just nodded.

"I can do it alone," I said.

"Stay still, Emmeline," he said ignoring me completely.

"I want to go inside, I'm tired," I whispered trying to hold back a yawn.

"Let's go," he said letting me finally hold the tissue by myself.

"I forgot my bag in the car," I mumbled going back to the car.

"No, go inside, I'll bring it to you," he said pushing me in the direction of the house.

I went to the house and went to the closest couch that I could lay on, which was in the hallway, I don't why it's there too.

It was next to the door, so when Reign entered and saw me, he placed the bag on that couch.

"Come on ill take you to your room," he said helping me get up.

Emmeline Where stories live. Discover now