Chapter One

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"Like there is this World Of Light, there must be a world opposite to this one. That is where the Dark Realm makes it's prevalence. What was once orderly, is now chaotic and full of insanity. Had you taken up your true role in this world, perhaps all of this could've been prevented."

The candle light dimly danced on the walls of my bedroom. Near my bed, my mother played her harp, gently plucking at the strings and making such an elegant lullaby. Her part to the Song of the Spirits was a slightly sorrowful melody, but it was beautiful. It reflected her being. A depressed and beautiful being. Her long black hair, her porcelain skin, and those lovely emerald eyes of hers. To me, she was a goddess herself. I remember, that night, she let me play. Took me off my bed and sat me on her lap. I could barely reach, but I plucked a few strings, those closest to me. She chuckled softly, then held me close to her warm body when I decided I was finished. I remember hearing her heart slowly beat in her chest... A relaxing sound. Her breaths of air, hearing her lungs take in oxygen. Her voice echoed in my mind as my head rested on her chest. "My Raven..." She told me, "One day, when you get older... I won't be in this world anymore. My job, my duties... They'll take me away. You must be ready for that, Byrnie. Of course, when I do go... I have entrusted someone with your care. They will take good care of you, I promise."

I wasn't sure how to process her knowledge. All I knew at that age, was that I didn't want her to leave. "Mother..." I said softly as I looked up at her, gripping her sweater, "You won't be leaving soon, are you?..."

She shook her head, "I don't know. But hopefully not."

I nodded and looked down, "I don't want you to go mama... I don't want to be alone."

"I know. And you won't be dear. I'm here now, so while I'm here, let's dwell in the present, not the future." She held me for a few more moments, allowing the silence to settle in before she let out a sigh, "It's bedtime, you know what to do."

I nodded, slipping off of her lap and crawling into bed.

"It's supposed to be cold tonight, so here," She slipped her scarf over her head and placed it over me, "This'll keep you warm." She said as she smiled softly at me. She tucked me in and kissed my forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too..." I replied as I sunk into my blankets.

She smiled softly at me before blowing out my bedside candle and leaving the room, closing the door behind herself.

There, in the darkness, I stayed. I laid in my bed, praying she would never leave me, and in the midst of my thoughts, I succumbed to the subconscious world. When I awoke, I was outside, laying on the wet ground as water droplets hit my body. As I sat up, I realized I was before our house but... It was... Gone. "Mother?..." I furrowed my little brows as I slowly got up, her scarf still around my neck, heavy with water now. "Mama, where are—" I approached the charred building, and to my horror, there was a body amongst the rubble. "Mama??" I scurried over and fell beside the crispy charred body. Her face was in agony. Her features barely distinguishable, but it was her. Her beautiful being, burnt to ash and shriveled up into an unidentifiable corpse. "No!" I couldn't believe it. She said she wouldn't leave me now. I stood up as tears ran down my face, "Mother you... You said—..."

She died in a house fire, but I knew it was no accident. And why wasn't I dead? Who saved me? Why did this have to happen?...

How innocent I was then... Yet this event was a turning point. My innocence would eventually fade, as everyone's does. But now, in this time... I do not know if I'm a monster, or just a troubled man...

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