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Hey everyone, I'm Izzy, or isobeljones2000. I know a lot of people have been doing these Ask The Octonauts stories recently, but mine will be a little different to some of the other ones. I will write mine in story form, and you can send in questions to one character only, each chapter. Feel free to make your questions as long as you want and as many as you want to ask each character, the more the better really! Also if I get any questions about a character's past I will write their answer in my personal interpretation, so I hope you're okay with that. I aim to make each chapter fairly long, so please don't hold back on any questions you want to ask!

So can people send in questions for ... Captain Barnacles for the next chapter? As soon as I have enough I will write the chapter. Thank you and I look forward to hearing some of your questions!


Captain Barnacles could never seem to catch a break at the moment.

It wasn't that he was bored of doing the same old thing all the time - indeed, he loved it, but there had just been an awful lot of it. Mission after mission, leading to many late nights and more than a few early mornings. It was always hard clearing up the mess after a particularly violent storm, and there had been a lot to sort out this time. Broken reefs, injured creatures, families split up that needed reuniting. None particularly difficult tasks in themselves, but all put together it was a pretty busy week.

He yawned widely. It was pretty early, and he didn't know why he had woken up this early. Of course, it was always the mornings where he could sleep in at last that he woke insanely early. Naturally.

"Stupid body clock," he muttered. Then wondered why he had muttered it to himself. He was alone, it was dark and he was still in bed. "First sign of madness," he agreed aloud.

God, he must be tired.

He really felt like a break. Dashi had cheerfully informed him that there wasn't another storm due to hit for a few weeks now, and they had just about completed the clear up after this one.

Maybe a holiday?

Octonauts didn't really ever seem to go on holidays. And the one time they did, he was obviously walking into the middle of something dangerous by seeing Bianca and her cubs.

Come to think of it, he was feeling a little odd. It was probably just from stress and the lack of sleep, but he was feeling very faint ... and dizzy.

Captain Barnacles put a hand to his forehead, which was beginning to spin uncontrollably. His vision was going a little fuzzy around the edges now. This wasn't what normally happened when he fell asleep, even when he was absolutely exhausted.

Maybe he was coming down with something.

Was it too early in the morning to go and see Peso?

As another wave of dizziness hit, Captain Barnacles decided it definitely wouldn't be too early and stood up from his bed, intending to go to the Sick Bay and radio Peso from there in order to be discreet.

He didn't get much further than halfway to his own door.

The last thing he recalled was his vision completely blacking out before he collapsed on the floor, knowing no more.

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