Eight - Chapter Inkling

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A/N) Here is the next instalment in this MAMMOTH story of mine: your questions for the illustrious Professor Inkling! I was desperate to get this fully written before Christmas and published for you guys, so... that just about happened. Luckily it's not quite as long as Chapter Peso for obvious reasons. Hope you enjoy ;D

"It is all right for you to sit back looking smug," the Professor informed the rest of his crew somewhat accusingly. "You have already had your questioning."

Kwazii was grinning the widest, unafraid to show his smugness, while Peso was trying not to look too relieved that he wasn't being molested by fans any longer. "You'll be fine, Professor," Dashi replied encouragingly.

Tweak wasn't looking so sure. "Good luck," was all she said.

Tunip chittered something nervously.

"He says he knows how you feel," offered Shellington helpfully. "He and the Vegimals still haven't been questioned, and he's fairly sure they're not escaping it any time soon."

Inkling laid a tentacle on the Vegimal's head. "Thank you, Tunip. At least I know I am not alone in my apprehension."

Izzy's head popped up from under the table, followed by Adele's. "Hey," she greeted. "You ready, Inkers?"

"As long as you refrain from calling me Inkers..." The Professor hesitated for a brief moment, apparently readying himself. "I am ready."

"Great!" Izzy produced the next black folder - 'Inkers' scribbled in pink pen over the front - and leapt gracefully back into her beanbag, landing cross-legged and grinning. (If she hadn't been writing this story right now that manoeuvre would have doubtless gone terribly wrong.) "Let's begin then, with... TweakAgathaBunny!"

Dashi, as ever, was enthusiastic to read first, and swiped the question sheet from the folder. "Let's have the first question, Inkling."

'What books do you enjoy? (I highly recommend lotr, both the books and movies.) '

"Well, I live in a library, so there are many books that I enjoy," smiled Inkling.

"I think I would literally die of happiness if I lived in a library," mused Izzy.

"True that," agreed Adele.

"I do enjoy rereading the various non-fiction books I have in the Octopod library, trying to refresh my knowledge on the abundance of creatures and amazing science that surrounds the ocean. However I do occasionally enjoy some fiction while I'm on standby during a mission that everyone else goes out on. I do have quite a lot of time for reading, so I have read many of the books in my library."

"That's a lot of books," pointed out Dashi.

If you happened to come across this figure;  what would you do?

"I would probably be rather apprehensive first and foremost, then want to know what manner of tentacled monster it is

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"I would probably be rather apprehensive first and foremost, then want to know what manner of tentacled monster it is. Maybe a mutated descendant of the giant squid?"

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