Ten - Chapter Octonauts (And A Few Friends Too)

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A/N) This is the final chapter of Operation Fanmail! Thank you very much for everyone who has sent in questions or featured in a chapter, and I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. It's Christmas Morning in England, so I got you this Christmas present in lieu of actually sleeping. It's also the longest part yet - somehow over 14000 words :0

I also hope you enjoy the last lot of questions for the whole crew, plus a few friends too!

It was a cold spring morning in the Arctic.

The female polar bear shook off an imperceptibly thin layer of snow from her equally pristine white fur as she emerged from her home cave with a slight shiver, staring around as if expecting something to happen. For some reason, although she couldn't explain it, she felt odd - almost expectant, somehow. Her two cubs weren't even around today; they were off having adventures on Polar Scout camp this week. Maybe that was why she felt so antsy today, just the oddity of not having two crazy furballs racing around after her and having to keep an eye on them all the time in case they fell into a chasm or something.

Something like that, anyway.

She was just contemplating heading off to the nearest waterhole half a mile away to grab some breakfast and an icy morning swim, when she caught movement in the very corner of her eye and turned, very slowly, carefully. Dreading, for some reason, what she might see.

Izzy smiled, blue eyes gleaming a little too brightly under her deep blue fur-lined hoodie, keeping her ears warm. "Bit chilly, isn't it, Bianca?"

* * *

"I get to see Peso?"

"Yep," the girl agreed nearly as brightly as the excitable penguin, who was currently jumping up and down on the spot.

Another delighted gasp. "And the other Octonauts?"


"And people will ask me questions?"

"That's kind of the end game, yep."

Pinto raced after Izzy and gave another huge jump, his flippers landing on the ice, which Izzy could swear she heard crack slightly. They hurried on, just in case it had. She wasn't really in the mood for a swim right now, however 'refreshing' certain penguins or polar bears might claim it might be. "Wow!" he summarised after a little while.

Izzy grinned. "Yep."

* * *

Ranger Marsh wore the exact same expression as his daughter had persisted with for nearly the entire session so far when she hadn't been underneath some variety of beanbag: one of slightly bemused derision. "You're - kidnapping me? To ask me questions?"

"Don't think of it as kidnapping."

"But it kinda is, though."

"Let's get this out the way," sighed the fangirl. "ULTIMATE FAN POWERS are a thing that exists. The walls speak. We don't speak of that. Tweak is very confused by it all."

"I think I might know why," agreed the older bunny tiredly, packing a bunch of carrots into a knapsack.

Izzy gestured with a hand. "Shall we disembark?"

Ranger Marsh ate one of the vegetables as slowly as he could muster, licking his lips and giving a sigh. "I demand my payment in carrots."

* * *

Koshi was curled up in a pillow fort in her bedroom, poring through yet another Donna Doxie mystery. Izzy fought to keep it together as she approached the young dachshund, her inner fangirl coming out in vengeance... she was so cuuuute!

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