Five - Chapter Shellington

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A/N) I've had some great questions for Shellington for this chapter coming in! Hope you enjoy Chapter Shelly!

Izzy took a deliberated bite of a fan cookie before whipping out the next question sheet with SHELLY written on it in big letters. "Ready?"

Shellington shrugged helplessly. "I'm not entirely sure."

"You'll find out," Izzy assured him helpfully. "Lets begin Chapter Shelly. Peso, you read the first one."

'Heyo! Soz I'm sending this a bit later then I normally do. Alina locked me in my room, that sneaky trickster. I had to break a window or two to get out, but y'know, a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do when it comes to alter-egos. Derpy derp derp.
So questions for the Shellster. Okay. Have you ever had to deal with bullies? If so, my sympathies. Bullies suck. Everyone at my school is against me, because they think I am "a slut" and "a whore" just because I'm the only girl in school. Well, the gay guys and future transgender kids are nice to me.
Also, what got you in to marine biology? And if you weren't a marine biologist, what do you think you would be?
What do you know about Vegimal connections, being part of the strongest known bonding? And would you feel jealous if Tunip began to bond with someone else besides you, mainly a white wolf who is dating Cap B.?
Also, what would you do if you met an Alternian troll? I think that you would be horribly fascinated by their culture.
So that's all I can think of. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to find my insane alter-ego before she causes mass havoc... again. So... buh-bye!'


Shellington considered. "Hmm, okay. Yes, I have had to deal with bullies in my life, back when I was in school. It sort of came with my image really, geeky and quiet. But I'm over it now. It's in the past."

"Let's all hear an 'awww' for Shellington," Izzy prompted, receiving what she wanted from the audience.

"My high school biology professor got me into marine biology," Shellington remembered. "My school project was on the sea and how climate change is affecting the creatures there, and my teacher mentioned that I should look into marine biology since that was what I loved. I did a couple of classes in it then chose to do it at university. And if I wasn't a marine biologist I would probably do something else sciency, space studies maybe. When I was a kid I always wanted to be an astronaut."

"That boy has ambition," Izzy grinned.

"Well as some may know, and some may not, I have a strong mental connection to Tunip. Vegimals make bonds to people, and they can't control who it is," Shellington informed everyone.

"Kind of like werewolves do in Twilight!" Izzy exclaimed. (If you get this reference I love you XD)

Tweak fixed the teenager with a hard cold stare. "Twilight has no place in this conversation."

Izzy faltered then continued, subtly changing the subject. "Sierra and I know all about Vegimals connections. We're experts. High five, Sierra!" And she gave a virtual high five in mid-air.

Shellington decided it would be safer to move on. "And no, I wouldn't be jealous if Tunip made another connection with Selene. They can't help who they connect with."

"SEQUEL SPOILERS!" yelled Izzy, causing Shellington to jump. "Move on!"

He did so fearfully. "I would love to find out about the Alternian troll culture, it would be fascinating. And good luck with your battle with Alina."

"Who wants to read the next question?" Izzy asked.

Adele waved three hands and a tail simultaneously in the air - which no one decided to question, it was safer that way - and smugly took the paper. "One at a time, then."

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