Chapter Four: Coping

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Harley's Pov

Harley stumbled home with mixed emotions and a throbbing headache. Why did the sun have to be so goddamn bright? She pushed the door open of her new apartment and stumbled in, flopping down on the couch and folding her arms. She turned on the TV to a random channel. And of course, his stupid face had to pop up. Mr. J was on the news for some new stunt he pulled. She frowned and threw the remote at the tv, shattering the screen. She smiled to herself. That problem was solved. Now she just needed a new tv.

She almost wished she hadn't smashed the tv, as the silence that followed was almost too much. She looked down at her hands in her lap. Next to them were her many tattoos. They said things like "puddin" and "Mr. J". Why had she ever gotten those?

She pulled up her sleeve to reveal the J tattoo just below her shoulder. Her lips trembled angrily as the memory of how she got it took over her.

She and Mr. J had just had an amazing night of... ya know. And she was more dedicated to him than ever before. And he knew it. He did the tattoo himself, etching his initial on her skin. She had loved it at the time. She would have let him cover her skin in his name. Tears of anger streamed down her face as she realised how stupid she had been. She had lost sight of who she was. She only had eyes for him.

And it was time for that to change.

That is, after she went out for drinks.

What? There were a lot of feelings she had to process. And there was no way she was gonna do that sober.

She arrived at the Black Mask and headed straight for the bar. After ordering a few too many drinks, she saw her. Again. Y/n was across the room sitting with Mr. Sionis. She was deep in conversation with him. Harley couldn't look away. She was so beautiful. The whole dark, mysterious, assassin thing was really hot. Harley pursed her lips and turned back to the bar for another drink. She had almost forgotten last night. Which would be terrible as it was amazing.

What was going with her and y/n anyway? The whole kiss on the balcony? And then sleeping together? Obviously something was going on. Was that it though? Did it just end here? It was so frustrating not knowing. So she decided to find out. The many drinks had taken away all of Harley's inhibitions, not that she had many to begin with. But now she felt very confident walking up to y/n and asking what was going on. She staggered across the room and up to y/n, who seemed to have just finished her conversation with Mr. Sionis.

"Hey y/n." Harley poked her chest, "Fancy meetin you here. We need to talk."

Mr. Sionis glanced between the two of them, but didn't comment.

Y/n raised an eyebrow, but Harley was already grabbing her hand and pulling her away.

"I need to know what is going on here." Harley said in a wobbly voice,

"What do you mean?" Y/n asked,

"Between you and me." Harley added,

Y/n ran a hand through her hair, "Harley, to be honest I don't know."

Suddenly, Harley grabbed y/n's face and pulled her into a kiss. Y/n quickly pulled away.

"What are you doing?" Y/n demanded,

"Uh I thought it was obvious." Harley said,

Y/n pursed her lips in frustration. She put her hands on Harley's hips and pushed her into a small room off to the side, shutting the door behind them.

"If someone sees you kissing me, they'll know you broke up with Joker!" Y/n said,

Harley put her hands around y/n's neck and tried to kiss her again.

Y/n pushed her back gently, "Harley listen! If people find out about this, they'll come after you! Do you remember how much Joker put out for my head?"

Harley tugged at y/n's shirt, bringing her back for another kiss. Y/n let herself enjoy it. She did love Harley, but it just wasn't the right time.

"I'm doing this to protect you." y'n insisted after the kiss was over.

"That line is so overused." Harley murmured against y'n's lips,

Y/n smirked, "Yeah I know."

"But is there something between us?" Harley asked, "I mean... It's not all in my head?"

Y/n nodded.

"Then fuck the Joker." Harley continued, trying to kiss y/n again, "I just want you."

Y/n pushed Harley off again, "It's for your own good."

With that, y/n walked back out of the room, leaving Harley more sad and upset than before.

Here's the thing about Harley though. Sad and upset doesn't last long before it turns into boiling anger and regrettable decisions. Decisions that usually end in something being blown up. Luckily for Harley, she has all her best ideas when she's drunk. Joker had ruined her life. And it was time for some good ol fashion revenge.

Some people have the Eiffel Tower, or Olive Garden. Harley and the Joker? Their love bloomed in a highly toxic, industrial processing plant. Ironically named Ace chemicals. Two for one. She would show the Joker and y/n.

With the help of all that alcohol she had, she stole a truck full of chemicals from some moron who wasn't paying attention. Slamming the gas, she drove straight towards the chemical plant. Memories flashed before her eyes. Jumping into those chemicals. Kissing that no good, son of a bitch. She yanked off her necklace Mr. J had given her, and tossed it out the window.

"You motherfucker." She muttered angrily.

Jamming her shoe so that it stuck to the gas, she forced the car onward. She jumped out of the truck seconds before it plowed through the gate of the chemical plant. She looked on with wide eyes as the plant exploded into the most beautiful light show she had ever seen.          

//Author's Note//

Posting a new chapter after having not posted in a long time feels like trying to sneak home after curfew, but you get caught and everybody's just like "Where the FUCK have you been?"

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