Chapter Twelve: Down The Rabbit Hole

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Blue and white stripes blurred as I sped down the hole after Harley as Cassandra. I tried not to get nauseous. I heard Montoya behind me screaming curses. I was with her on that. This was the worst mode of transportation. I fell out the end of the tunnel after Cassandra. Harley was already on her feet, looking perfectly fine. I helped Montoya to her feet as she fell in heap after me.

Crossbow killer was last out, on top of a guy, stabbing him over and over again. We all starred in admiration, and a bit of concern for her mental state. She stood up, wiping the hair from her face.

"What?" She noticed us staring.

"You are so cool." Harley said in awe, then snapped back to business, "Ok. This way."

She led us through a tunnel of lights. Before we had gone anywhere, we became keenly aware of the fact that we were surrounded. More masked weirdos ready to kill us. An evil laugh boomed over the speakers. Great.

"Get ready ladies." Harley muttered,

With that, the fighting broke out. I pulled out my handgun, pointing it at the first guy that ran at me. A guy in a bird mask. Ok. Sure. I shot him, and aimed at the next motherfucker, who was running at me with some kind of mace. I pulled the trigger. It clicked, but nothing happened. No more bullets. I dodged the man's mace, and spun around. I hit the back of his head with the end of my gun, and kicked him in the back. He fell forward. Selena finished him off.

I tossed my gun aside and picked up the man's mace. Across the room, Montoya was thrown into a mirror. I didn't care about her, but the kid was now defenseless. I ran towards her, as another thug sauntered up to her. I was blocked by another idiot in a mask.

"Where ya goin princess?" He was about twice my size.

I smirked, "Don't you think it's a little old-fashioned to use princess as an insult?"

He barreled towards me. I rolled my eyes. I ducked under his punch, and grabbed his arm. I jumped up on his back, twisting his arm as I did so. He might be big, but I know how to use leverage. I twisted again, pulling him to the ground.

I hissed, "This princess just kicked your ass."

"You bitch." He growled,

"You know it." I smirked.

I twisted his arm until I heard a crack. He cried out. I stood up, and picked up the mace again. I twirled it around, and finished him off. I had wasted too much time. Cassandra was in danger. I ran over to her, sliding between the legs of another bastard that tried to get in my way. I managed to get in between her and the man just in time. He pulled out a knife and threw it. It barely scratched my arm. I picked it up, and threw it back, hitting him in the chest. He fell over, clutching the knife in his chest. He pulled it out. Dumb idea.

I turned to Cassandra, "You ok?"

She nodded, but couldn't form words.

I tried to reassure her, "Yeah, you're ok. We're gonna get you out of this. You're ok."

Crossbow killer joined us, "I've got the kid."

She led the kid to a safe place, while I turned back to the violent scene at hand.

"Y/n!" Harley called,

I looked in her direction. She was fine, but she was waving me over. I ran across a trampoline to get to her. She smiled. For the moment, we were safe.

"Cover me for a second, would ya doll?" She asked,

I nodded, and braced for another fight. Between the dodging and punching and whacking, I glanced at Harley. She was sitting casually on the floor, tying up the laces on a pair of shoes. I shake my head. I love that little psycho.

While I was busy staring at Harley, a man came up behind me and kicked me to the floor. Before I knew what was happening, he was on top of me, punching me in the face. I felt my nose break, a feeling that was pretty normal in my line of work. My eyes watered from the pain. And then, he was on the ground, and Harley was on top of him, beating the shit out of him with her shoe. I smiled to myself.

When he was unconscious, she looked up at me, smiling innocently. I held out my hand to help her up. When she stood up, I noticed she was as tall as me. I looked down at her shoes. Not shoes. Roller Skates. I laughed.

"What?" She asked,

I pulled her up against me for a quick kiss, despite my bleeding nose.

She pulled away grinning, and rolled away to go and fuck somebody up. 

Author's Note; Remember when I used to actually update on a schedule? aHAAAA *cries*  I'm going to try to get back to posting regularly. I've already written the next few chapters, so... anyway love you guys. Oh and I almost forgot!?! HAPPY PRIDE MONTH BITCHES. AS ALWAYS BE GAY DO CRIME

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