Turning point

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Sasha was knocked back into a wall  which caused a carter.


Sasha looked to see Andrias stabbing Marcy " Marcy!!" Sasha cries as a big zap by the music box causes Anne to teleport them back to earth.

"No, she managed to open the portal. Well, it doesn't matter." Andrias snaps his finger as the frobot nearby surrounds her. Andrias closes the music box as ashes come out of it." I still have what is mine. So what about you two?" He turns around to see that Yunan and Olivia were attempting to escape.

"We're with you"

"Definitely with you"

"Good, get her to a rejuvenation tank and make it snappy. She is fading fast."

"We have to ditch her, there's nothing we can do, " Grime says as they were quickly surrounded by frobots

"What's the plan ?" Sasha asked.

"I'm going to throw you out the window, " Grimes says.

"The window?" Sasha said

As grime uses his tongue to grab Sasha. He tosses her out followed by grime who jump after her as lasers were shooting but miss.

"Haha," Grime said triumphantly." A flawless Escape."

" And what was your plan after that?" Sasha asked as Suddenly Joe Sparrow came in for the save

" Good work Geroge sparrow, " Grimes says as Joe Sparrow looked annoyed at this

"Anne, Marcy, please be okay"

Andrias on the window as he watches grime Sasha escape.

"So many loose ends.  so little time." A frobot was flouting near Andrias."Follow them."

Near the ground, toads have been captured by frobots 

" Our forces have been captured, look like we'll  need to lay low come up with a new plan, " Grimes says

" Okay but we're do go, If we go to the tower Andrias will be waiting, " Sasha says

" Then we go to a place, we're Andrias would never expect us, " Grimes says

Meanwhile in Wartwood

The frogs meet until someone is there in the sky as Joe sparrow comes to land, grime and Sasha hops out of his back. As they walk towards them and ask questions on what is happening Sasha whispers to grime.

"What do we tell them"

"Not the truth that's for sure" grime clears his throat and begins to speak."People of Wartwood, we have terrible news: The king has turned out to be a ruthless tyrant of unspeakable power.

Everyone gasped.

"Well, I don't vote for him." Ms croaker said

"Anne and the Plantars had to go a daring mission, but they send us to protect you fine frogs in the meantime," She was stunned that grime say that, as she was sweating nervously." right, Sasha?"

There's no way they're going to trust us just because we name drop Anne." She whispered

"Not with that attitude."

"Oh what a relieved"

"Classic Anne, always looking out for us. " Stumpy says

"Well, that wonder." Mayor Toadstool shakes Sasha's hand  and turns to face the crowd."Rest easy night because Anne's best friend is here to watch over us."

The people of Wartwood cheer for Sasha and Grime. Sasha smiles at them for a moment, and then she makes a long face.


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