Chapter 4

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A/N: Ngl I think I have a curse for every fight I do it's complete garbage so yea

Btw am I Cute?


(At Gudako's Location)


Gudako Scream as Mash then Blocks a Massive attack from a woman as she stumbles

Mash then tries to catch her breath as the woman then appeared beside her as she swings at mash as she then gets slash by the arm as blood splatters everywhere

Gudako then rushed towards mash picking her up

"Mash! U okay?!" Gudako yelled as she looked at the woman in black

"Pathetic. For me to think I've finally found someone who can defeat me"

Mash then unexpectedly grabs mash shield lifting it and proceeds to smash the woman launching her

"Nice work Cadete!"

Olga in the background hiding behind a boulder giving her a thumbs up

"Can you stop being Useless and Help!?" She said hurting her feelings :(

"WickerMan!" A Man by the Named of Cu yelled

While the Woman stands up she thens gets wrapped around by tree branches as she then gets lifted in the air as a Giant Made of wood Them erupts in flames trapping her inside

"Did that Get her!?" Olga Questioned Cu

"To be honest Little Lady. It be a miracle if she even gets Hurt a Bit"

As a Massive Black energy Came out of the giant slicing it in half as the woman jumps out only to have a burn mark on her cheek

As the Woman them raises her Sword as *BOOM* a Massive Black energy that pierces the sky erupts from her sword as Cu then Backs off

"Everyone! She's gonna use her Noble Phantasm!"

As Mash then gets up badly wounded as she then grabs her shield from Gudako

"I can... Still fight... Master" She said Weakened

As Gudako then Nods

"It's over for all of you..." the Woman said coldly

As mash then holds her shield tightly as she smashes it to the ground

"Unleashing noble phantasm..."

Everyone then gets behind of mash as Gudako then grabs her hand

"We will do this together mash!" Mash then looks behind her as everyone except Olga was nodding


"Gates Of..."



As the both of them uses their NP as both of it clashes


Mash screams giving her all but to no avail and was engulfed in The woman's Noble Phantasm as they were all engulfed by it

"I'm... Sorry everyone... I failed..." As mash thought as she then sheds a tear

"On-... O-ni-Chan... H..elp"


(Gudako's POV)


as I opened my eyes everything is blurry I then see mash laying on the ground everything is still hazy but when my vision slowly cleared I saw her

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