Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

A/N: 👴 - "I missed those days..."


Hitori Walks beside Artoria while Mash and Gudako Infront talking

Artoria was waiting for Hitori to start a Conversation but she instead tried to "Ma-"

"So Artoria, how did you meet my father anyway?" He cuts off Artoria

Artoria sighed

"Well I don't exactly know cause I don't remember any of it... But I did remember being summoned by him in a shed Hmph you should've seen his face he absolutely didn't know what was going on" Artoria Giggle trying to remember the days where she and Shirou met

"So how's Shirou anyways?" Artoria say Making Hitori stunned for a sec and looks down

Hitori didn't answer the question That Artoria said but once she saw the Sulking aura Hitori's emitting she already knew

"Oh... Rin?"

Hitori responds by shaking his head left to right

The silence between artoria and Hitori was suddenly Interrupted by mash stopping them

"Senpai's stop... There seems to be a French scout... I'm counting 10 of them" Mash said Scouting the Area

"Go on then mash. Use ur perfect french to communicate with them" Hitori Mocking her as she turned around pouting

"I'm sure we can come to a peaceful resolution! Right OniiChan?" Gudako implied

But Artoria then notice the guard readying their weapons and looking towards them as she signed and her sword appeared from her hand

"Well... We've been spotted. Orders?", Artoria said

Mash then sweatdropped trying to stop Artoria

"No, no, No peaceful interaction Saber! Not violence!"

Mash then turns around making eye contact with the guards

"Hello Scouts! Do you know wheres the nearest Village?" Mash said making the guard confused

"I thought you knew French?"

"Well I thought so but after you said those iam scared to say something!" Mash replied to Hitori

But Fou then appeared behind Hitori


The Guards then screamed and panicked once they saw the monster


The guard then Swings his sword Gudako but was Block by Mash as she kicked sending him backwards

But the other Guards then surround them and preparing to attack

Yo-hoo! Finally after finishing my research about the hole In the sky so wha- why are you guys surrounded by French Guards?

Roman Said Making the Guards think "BE CAREFUL I THINK THEIR WITCHES!" One guard screamed

"Great, thanks Roman" Artoria says as she then Points her sword at them

As Hitori then respond by Summoning his Weapons as chains wrap around his wrist as he grabbed the handle

One Guard then charges at Hitori as he swings his sword but Hitori block it as he kicked him away

"I think Fighting is Now Unavoidable" Mash Sighed in Disappointment

As a Guard then Charges at mash as mash then blocks his attack as he falls back

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