Chapter 7

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(So Um what's 2+2? I'm still confused)


(Hitoris POV)

I followed closely behind a Girl named Jeanne D Arc, I'm the farthest away from her while everyone talked to her

I still can't rid of this feeling. Whatever it is, I'll find it and sort it out

We then entered a forest seems like we're gonna camp out here

I then jump on a tree branch as I then notice something. Skeletons soldier a few of them but I'll just sit here and make my sister servant take care of it

"Sis! There's enemies Infront of you!" Gudako looked at me with a Bruh face

"Then can you help!?" She yelled back cutely annoyed

I then sighed Plus. You gotta take care of yourself who Knows if I die you'll probably be dead so I'll just train her

"It's just a few Enemies what's the big deal?"

"He's right Master, we should take care of it plus Hitori-San, is a man who can take a servant head on." Mash stated She's right

Me fighting lowly beings is just me wasting energy on a Bunch of babies with crayons

Then... It click far, far away I sense something it's 100% a servant he or she is just Watching from a distance. Probably a archer I should inform this to the others

They then attack the skeletons destroying them with ease Artoria on the Other hand is only person who keeps destroying them with ease

"Fou!" I then felt Fou Jump on my lap as he yelled out and laid there... How in the hell did he get up here without me noticing?

Meh while I was sitting up on a tree The others was finished wiping out the skeletons

"You Done? Good" I then jump down landing besides Artoria

"Before all of you say anything I'd like to say that a servant was watching from a distance. Possibly a Archer" I stated

"Should we attack the servant?" Artoria replied to me

Jeanne then Shakes her head saying no

"No. If she's to far like you said. Even beyond my radar it'll take some time to even reach the servant"

I then Notice the servant that was watching us disappeared probably thought that I knew of his or hers Location

Beside her energy is as weak

(Le time skip 👴🏿 - "what's all that movement back there?")

We then stop at a pretty chill area as far as my Radar goes there's no one watching us so it will maybe be safe

We then simmer down as I then light the wood on fire thanks to mash being Useful gathering the wood

We then Sit down at a log

"First of all please tell me all of your names" she politely asked us

"Understood my individual name is Mash Kryielight" Mash introduce herself to her But why the professionalism?

"This is Gudako, Hitori, and Artoria" Mash then introduced us to her

Jeanne eyes were then focused on Artoria

"Artoria? You mean Artoria Pendragon the king of Britain? So nice to meet such a strong person" she Politely said

Wait what about me? I thought as she then Reach her hand out for a handshake

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